I just read that the Ministry of Tourism is organizing trips on Sunday for foreign female workers to visit Jeita and vote for it.
There are a lot of wrong things about this initiative, such as:
– Why only female workers?
– Shouldn’t the MOT organize such trips for school students first or Lebanese in general?
– Mistresses may force domestic workers to waste their only day off, Sunday, to visit Jeita and vote for it.
Everything about this new7wonders competition is proving to be wrong day after day. It would be interesting to make a poll to see how many Lebanese visited Jeita Grotto.
Maybe the ministry consider it as part of their obligations since they are working and making money in Lebanon, why they dont organise it for other forgein workers like egyptians, syrians…..
Silly and stupid idea
this is wrong on so many levels.
Exactly! “How many Lebanese visited Jeita Grotto”?! Or can afford to!
i didn’t visited Jeita, and everyday i am having an loooonnnnnggg argument with my sis about voting for Jeita for this money making company that is called n7w … anyway i also believe that this voting is much similar to the TV shows voting … they decided who will win before we vote
The government is simply trying to cut down the number of suicides among foreign female workers by means of internal tourism. #sarcasm
why complain about it so much. if lebanon wins a spot on the list. why do you always go on about the negatives – why not try to focus on the postives of the initative!
1. it really will bring more tourists to lebanon – which will mean more revenue for the govt.
2. it promotes a better image for the country – when the new seven wonders of nature are selected, it will literally be all over the news – and it will be refreshing to read something positve about the country for a change.
3. many people love their country and voting for it can be considered an expression of that.
4. the company is making money out of this venture, but so what – since when is it bad to be profitable and at the same time create an initiative where people from all over the world are participating and competing.
I dont know why you guys are so against n7w??????
BTW – I’ve been twice to the caves, and it is amazing – I would highly recommend you see it for yourselves!
the cave is amazing during summer, cz ull get to take the mini boat trip that usually closes during winter.