The driver was drunk and ran into the cyclists killing Roy Nasr and injuring two others and he gets one month of jail time? Is this some kind of sick joke? That’s unfreaking unbelievable!
I really don’t get it how a reckless idiot who kills a triathlon champion, a loving husband and a father of two like Roy gets jailed for one month and banned from driving for 3 months only. Someone should appeal this decision because it’s ridiculous!
A Dubai motorist who fatally injured former Arab triathlon champion Roy Nasr while driving under the influence of alcohol has been sentenced to one month in prison and ordered to pay AED200,000 ($54,451) in blood money to the victim’s family.
The accident occurred on the morning of September 6 when the 24-year old Philippines national swerved into a group of three cyclists, including Nasr, near Dubai’s Safa Park. Fifty-year old Nasr died, while his fellow cyclists sustained serious injuries. [Source]
It’s really not hard to figure out, you got money, you got connections, you get out.
This is sickning!! How is this possible?? A friend of mine got 6 months in prison in dubai few years ago because he got in a fight with a guy and broke the glass window of a shop. He also got deported and u guess he’s not allowed to enter uae again. But for killing u get one month. Excellent
He’s probably a local, they often get exceptions with almost everything. If it was an Indian driving, they would put him for life and brag about their justice system.
A similar case happened a couple of years ago in Qatar, where a Lebanese 4 year old girl was crushed by a local in a Land Cruiser at a school’s crossing. They blamed an Indian guy, and said he was the driver or something. I know the family. The Qatari guy paid compensation or something, but didn’t do jail time if I remember correctly.
what do you mean by local? you can read above in the quote that it’s a Filipino guy (from Philippines).
Seriously!! I heard once about a british couple they found making out on the beach. They got 6 months in jail and their embassy had to interfere and get them deported. And this drunken idiot kills a man and gets one month. Not right. Reminds me of a screwed up country I live in.
In Islamic belief, if blood money is accepted by the mourning family than the killer is exempt of jail time simple as. No bribes, no going into conspiracies. It is apparent the family accepted the money and it was dealt with under the eye of the law with no corruption whatsoever. Cynthia, according to my knowledge the British couple were having sex publicly on the beach and that is considered Haram in Islamic law.
I dont know who Mister AbC is but I’m not sure how would you presume the family accepted the money
Would you accept 50K for the soul of your dad? or husband?
Instead of having a reckless driver learn the lesson and avoid another accident.
I am not saying it isn’t a tragedy. These poor infants cannot regain what has been lost. I am just clarifying that laws (legal ones) have been applied correctly according to United Arab Emirates laws. If the family hadn’t accepted the blood money then the Philippine national who committed the crime would have been imprisoned for much longer.