Hiba is a very talented singer but I don’t know if it’s good idea to take part in the Voice, specially after what happened with Aline Lahoud and Anthony Touma. The judges are very random and she might lose out because of that, not because she’s not talented enough.
Anyway, that doesn’t mean that I am not excited about her participation and I will be encouraging her all the way till the end.
Hiba Tawashe
Ma bettefi2 ma3ak bi hal ra2i… Hiba 3enda mouwasafet 3alamiyye bel sot w bel 2ade2. Sha5siyyan ma be3tebir 2enno Aline w Anthony keno el 2afdal bi their seasons (ma3 ma7abbte la 2eloun), baynama Hiba moumkin test7e22a 3an jadara! Hiba btestehal tenshehir bi kell el 3alam, 5assatan 2enno betghanne English w French kamen. Plus The Voice manno bernemij “houwet” metel ma 2al el ba3ed… bel 3akes, hayda bernemij bi 2addmo 3leh nes men mou5talaf el fi2et, 2aw2at ktir bi 2addmo nes mou7tarifin, el concept houwwe “battles” between the voices. Mousheraketa moumkin tefta7la bweb wes3a, kermel heik 2ana ma3 hal 5otwe 2akid.
W min bet koun 7adertak? Moudir a3mela aw 2rabeta aw ebn l jiran?
Sorry Mr. Ed??? ya3ne 2aw baddak tsebb bel nes 2aw betkoun “bto2raboun”??? ma byeswa te7ke bel mni7 3an 7adan?? 2aw ta3te ra2i 2ijebe??? el BLOG wel COMMENTS ma3moulin lal ni2ash, mesh lal nes lli rasoun yebis (b3id 3annak tab3an…). leish stafazzak 7akye ma ba3rif!