I heard news that the Jal el Dib Bridge needs to be taken down soon as it is no longer safe to keep it. While the project should have been initiated years back, it was postponed due to problems with Jal el Dib’s municipality but the bridge has become life-expired.
From what I heard, the new bridge will be very similar to the Antelias bridge and might harm few shops in the street leading to Jal el Dib’s main road.
Let them take down that ugly clock too
New bridge, yay
if the budget is high they’re gonna use the same stupid engineer company that was responsible for the geant bridge that is breaking records on daily basis btw..the traffic in the morning is touching even more cities to arrive all the way to the bridge to actually find out that all this time you have lost from dbaye till nahr lmot is caused by only this freakin bridge…anyways i doubt jal el dib will do better
The problem will occur during the period of construction of the new bridge. The new deviation that should be done will cause huge traffic in the region inside jal el dib!
I live in Beirut, and my village is in Jbeil. I think i will miss it for few years !
I know it is a different subject but i has a certain relation with the current post, we need to start a campaign forcing the official authorities to really encourage investments in the peripheral region like Tripoly, Akkar, Zahleh, Baalbek, Tyre, Saida, Deir el Kamar, Jbeil, Batroun, Checkka etc …
Just take the bridge out, and that’s it. no need for any bridge
@Prince And how would the Coming from Jal el dib take the main road to Beirut?
he goes to Antelias and makes u turn under the bridge
and coming from jounieh, goes to nahr el mowt and u turn on the bridge
OH MY GOG, just think of the traffic we are gonna face
if they remove the brigde, we will not have any traffic jam by going out from beirut
about effing time
Jal El Dib bridge is at max. high risk of crumbling! The municipality engineer has just made a statement claiming so.
I heard they closed it today , it is true ?