I saw this YouTube video by mistake today and was honestly surprised to learn Lebanese Memes have a YouTube Channel and are taking part in the Social Media Awards. I was even more surprised to learn they are turning the Lebanese Memes Facebook page into some business with a mission “to reunite ALL the Lebanese people (In Lebanon & around the world) via pure Lebanese humor” and an objective “to be the number one Lebanese facebook page & to give foreigners an idea about our culture and WAYS of life.”
Speaking of our culture and ways of life:
Kidnapping has become part of our culture
Mocking the Lebanese Nationality
Praising Myriam Klink
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Zouk Power Plant is part of our culture?
Don’t get me wrong, I like some of the memes and think they are funny but that’s about it. No Lebanese would want to spread the ways of life portrayed to foreigners because that’s not something to be proud of. I am hoping whomever is behind that page is being sarcastic about it but it doesn’t look that way and this kind of beats the purpose of a meme.
One last thing, I think they should remove the lame memes, not just the ones who are racist or sexist.
I don’t see what’s wrong with what they’re trying to do, they have over 100,000 “Likes” on Facebook. Any comedian is technically “spreading the ways of life portrayed” in whatever country they’re living in, good or bad.
Should Chris Rock for example not make jokes about racism in the US, even though it exists?
How does it defeat a purpose of a meme?
Dear BlogBaladi, I would like to say that the style of writing was more like a personal opinion more than listing facts…
In fact you credibility was a point of question when u claimed that Lebanese Memes are doing some business without mentioning any reference or client saying hay I advertised at their page!
Helping a society by criticizing it is not a crime when we do so in a funny way! YA3NI MA BYETLA3 LAL LEBNENI YED7AK SHWAY!!!
About the Zouk power plant, I have the right to reply because I designed this cover, Please CHECK LBCI, OTV and MTV in their comdey programs, they even made songs for Zouk Power Plant, and yes They are from our daily life because you have to see them w see arafon kil yum w enta nezil 3a Beirut!!
I respect the opinion especially if it was stated in a polite way, but I don’t respect the sick campaign you are trying to raise your page through by attacking a very successful Social page to draw the attention to your blog site!
I find it weird coincidence to attack the page when they participated in The Social Media Awards … I would like to ask you why?!
I would like to mention that when you post some photos on your site, you should mention the authors, when we post photos On Lebanese Memes we guarantee the rights only for them to share it and not for anyone else, so the least requirement was to mention the authors, and in case you don’t know, you can ask the page or check the posts on the page (knowing that Lebanese Memes) mention the authors on every post!
I can write a blog in a reply to your yellow brief post and I know how to speak wooden words and claims but I will not go through the same way you did and I’m not planning to give more attention to your “sick” move, maybe the admin was polite in replying but me as a fan in this society I keep myself the rights to share my opinion freely!
I am not waiting your reply because I know most probably you won’t reply and even if you did, you will reply the same way your post was.
Ali Shaib
Homburg, Germany
The only reason I originally posted this is because I read ur page regularly and appreciate the work you guys are pulling. Me wondering about you turning it into a business was after I checked the categories and couldn’t see any of them fit your page’s profile (except maybe NGO/Community but I am not sure about it).
In fact, you guys were on my top 3 candidates but I wasn’t sure if this category suits you or if you are eligible for it.
I don’t know what is this campaign you think am pulling. My blog and the Lebanese memes page have nothing to do with each other and I am not competing with anyone. I didn’t even nominate my blog in any category. What I wrote was pure constructive criticism coming from a fan of your page. I posted several times and referred to ur page because I found it funny and at times hilarious 🙂
I am sorry you feel that way but there was no intentions whatsoever to bash your page or campaign against it.
Dear Author,
I would like to clarify few points:
1- You mentioned “your page”, if you mean by “your” as a fan in which I would be included in, then its true, but if you meant that I am owner or admin then this claim is wrong, kindly pay attention to the used terms because it can be misleading.
2- Just for mention, I follow blogs and I think “as a personal opinion” LBC blogs and BLOM Shabeb blogs are most famous in Lebanon (regardless of their nature) and know after that we know about this blog site…
3- Kindly next time, mention some facts and not just some feelings that can give wrong impression about our community and by “our” I mean our because I am an active member there…
I keep myself the right to reply to this post, because you used two of my pictures without mentioning the author and because I feel I was targeted by this blog as a member in Lebanese Memes Community.
NB: This is a personal opinion and its not related to Lebanese Memes and does not reflect their official opinion!
Kind Regards,
Ali Shaib
Hi Ali
1- You being a fan and contributor to this online community.
2- Good to know. I follow a lot of other blogs as well and they are all a great addition.
3- I mentioned my opinion based on something I saw, no harm intended at all and I’ve made that clear I think by now 🙂
You weren’t targeted at all and I apologize if you feel that way 🙂
Again I am not staging a war against anyone and I thank you for your feedback and hope to see you more often here.
Keep up the good work.
Honestly I think Blog Baladi is one of the most depressing Blogs to read as a Lebanese person living abroad. It would be nice to stop bashing every initiative, and try to take things with a smile of support. Stop being gloomy about everything to do with Lebanon.
I am kind of getting out of the point, but I would really have to disagree with you Omar.
As a Lebanese expat in Canada, whenever I went to Lebanon for a visit I remembered why I left in the first place.
The state that Lebanon is in doesn’t encourage a smile at all. Blog Baladi is stating facts followed with unbiased views from someone living the reality.
There has been lots of posts that brought smiles to us giving us hope with our country, but what to do if Lebanon is a lost cause from the beginning.
So don’t blame the blog, blame the country.
I don’t understand, what’s wrong with having a YouTube channel ? Any kid can have one, Lebanese Memes has a very active fan base so it’s completely normal, if not a must. If they take themselves seriously it doesn’t mean they’re turning into a business. Maybe you’re surprised because there’s no other page that spread like that here, so it’s kinda new to us.
Nothing wrong with that. I just thought the video was a bit too serious for a funny page. You have some good stuff on your channel 🙂
Dear Ajib!
If u want i can always kidnap one of them for u 😀
and believe me it would be my pleasure