Few hours ago, I read on Kataeb News portal that Lionel Messi had a car accident in Argentina and was seriously injured. His gf was with him and died instantly because of the crash. I googled to see if it’s true or not and found nothing online. Some 20 minutes later, the same portal denies the news so I forgot about it until LBCI just mentioned the news few minutes ago!
So I checked again and could not find anything online about this. There is not even a mention of a rumor of Messi having an accident. So I ask LBCI where the hell did they get this piece of information from and how can they allow themselves to report such news without verifying it?
Update: Messi is in Chile not even in Argentina today and all this rumor about him getting involved in a car accident is a lie. [Link1] [Link2]
I heard the same news on mtv a while ago. There is no mention of this on google or any social media website. Where did they get their news from?????
mtv said that too
Im so confused
najib i agree with u ,i’ve been searching for anything about messi for the last 2 hours and still nothing even cnn didn’t mention it…
Yea i just heard the same but didnt find any proof on blogs any info please tell me
I heard it on MTV too!
it was also mentioned on aljazeera tv news…it maybe right
Kamen 7attouwa 3al Mtv !!! W Heidi From Google ==>
نقل ليونيل ميسي، نجم نادي برشلونة الاسباني والمنتخب الارجنتيني، الى مستشÙÙ‰ القديسة لابلاتا ÙÙŠ العاصمة الارجنتينية بيونيس ايريس، بعد تعرضه Ù„Øادث سير مروع، Ùيما Ùارقت صديقته انتونيلا روكوزو الØياة قبل وصول سيارات الاسعاÙ.
وعن Øالة ميسي الصØية، اعرب الطبيب هيكتور باريديس، المشر٠على Øالة ميسي، عن اسÙÙ‡ الشديد للوضع الØرج الذي يعاني منه اÙضل لاعب ÙÙŠ العالم ÙÙŠ العامين الاخيري
وقال: “اجرينا 6 عمليات لليو، Ùلديه كسور ÙÙŠ العامود الÙقري واسÙÙ„ العرقوب، اضاÙØ© الى ارتجاج Øاد ÙÙŠ الدماغ وشروخ ÙÙŠ الجمجمة”.
واضا٠باريديس: “Øالته ليست مستقرة، Ùهو تØت المراقبة المشددة، والامر بيد الله، ولا اتمنى Øدوث اي Ùاجعة، لكن كل الاØتمالات واردة، لكني وبكل اس٠اعلنها ان مسيرته ÙÙŠ عالم كرة القدم قد انتهت”.
وطالب باريديس جماهير كرة القدم قاطبة بالصلاة لميسي، لان امر نجاته Ùقط بيد الله.
please inform me .. my number is 70 44 83 66 please .. i am messi lover..plzpzpzppzlzplz .. call me if u know about him something
If Messi was in an accident, it would be all over the news. I like how LBC will believe what they read.
I googled it too and couldn’t find any news about this matter . I hope this is not true because this will be a great loss for football regardless if you love barca or not .
Relax guys.. our beloved star is A OK.. these are all rumors.. i have a relative living in Barcelona, he also works in the camp nou offices, and he informed me that these are all rumors.. Our king is days away from joining the squad for pre-season..
i heard the same news too :S but i donno if its real or not :S
Look here also
because it simply is lebanese news!! same old crap, a few days ago they said Guetta is dead, now messi’s in critical situation.. screw this source nd the ones spreading this shit news, it was spreading so fast that every started broadcasting this shit on BBM!!!! screw u guys for messing with my head.. just dont fuck with Messi cuz ill fuck ur lives up! u pathetic maggits!
Thanks god I’m with shako hopefully nothing happened to him.
Messi is today in Chilie! It’s just a rumor
2awiyye lal “MOMESSI”
Najib my friend i donno what to say!! the moment i heard this from MTV i was like a crazy checking everywhere !!! and im so angry!! i wanna call or write to mtv and lbci and swear!!! why and how they do this!!
haha, fi we7de on barcelona page on facebook 7atit, “is it true that messi had a car accident” w kam kelme 3arabe fa 2eltela akid ente men lebnen… this is bullshit and so untrue. ma7ada gher men lebnen 3erfo bel ossa. lek 7atta bel argentine ma 3erfo
it’s a rumor Messi isn’t in Argentina he is on a tour in Washington =S =S
NAJIB ,you are the first link that goes on Google if you put lionel messi car crash !! Fans around the world will go crazy when they read the blog hahaha
no way !!!!!!!!!!!!
guys read the first sentence
:Lionel Messi is in Chile.
We are having a drink together now..
messi is ok nchala if something happened to him i wont watch football anymore
dont worry guys i already reported this shit to a famous journalist and she’s already writing a big ass column complaining about LBC’s unprofessionalism! and CHEERIOS MBK , no one messes with Messi cuz hes the only that has the right to Messi around with others.. KA PPAAAW!
one* typos +)
People, Messi Is Fine !
im sure something happened to the best and greatest player messi
Actually I hate Barca and it’s players since I am with Real Madrid but when heard this news about Lio messi believe me I felt so sorry 4 his gf and for him he’s one of the legends in football and he is still a young player with a huge future. Some of u r saying that it may be a rumer so I hope it is.BTW Cristiano Ronaldo was talking a few hours ago and said that he is not sure about what he has heard about Lio Meassi but he also wish that this is just a rumer.
i googled again & again just to see if the news i’ve heard was true but i got nothing!! i mean wtf!! i hope it aint true he doesnt deserve that tragedy nobody does after all!!
I see you have real day to day concerns!
come on people..some Lebanese media sucks and all what they tell are lies…better for them to go home and sleep!!
Messsi was in Chilie and not in Argentina!!
i dont think is true bc if it was it would be the soccer new.
yes hi have an accedinte! its so cool
hey guys messi not with them in USA :S:S:S
See the pictures
it’s not necessary farah, it’s right that leo is absent but daniel alves and javier mascherano are not with them in USA too… MESSI IS FINE
laaaaaaaaaaaa2 messi ma met ana m2akkade ana 3ayche bel argentina w honik elo enno houwe ktir mnih halla2 :ma sarlo chi
messi lech 3melet hek bi 25 2eb fi min afdal le3ib baynak w bel xaviw christiano
ma bou chi messi metel l 2ered
People,messi is fine and strong player in my people i love messi
ya 7amza lak la nofrod ena mazboota bess mish mazboota hal shaghli lak howi wo 3ala wheel chair byo2rotkon
eno eza nawyeen torba7o jarbo 3emalo system balki hayek biseer monafasi wo el wa7ad byetsala mish t2oomo ted3o 3alayi la zalami 
guys messi is 100 percent okay im watching him play rigth now!!
they are a bunch of liers messi is now in chile with his girlfriend that all nothing happened to him
i wish that is a rumors messi is fine
if messi is ok then y did he not play in the man utd match???????
Because he was playing a friendly with Argentina in Chile Riko.