I was about to write a post on how MP Fattoush should not get away with what he did today and that there’s no reason not to punish him, but I just heard on MTV that Manale Daou has apparently apologized to Fattoush while LBCI stated that Judge Claude Karam reconciled the two in his office.
That’s just pathetic and sad and yet another proof that Lebanon is going backwards.
Lebanon IS backwards. You think he could have gotten away with this in the EU or US? Especially in a public office. You have no rights in this country. The only two things that ‘talk’ are money and guns.
Manale Daou probably apologized because she was threatened to lose her job otherwise she shouldn’t have apologized since she did the right thing.
I would rather lose my job than apologize to this BS. How could someone get away with that? Are these the people that are representing us? What man would hit a woman (not to mention the reason). A LOW MAN. He should be prosecuted!!
This criminal is paid by our taxes to steal us more and more. This is a good occasion to get rid of him, collect back his stolen money, distribute it to charity and … give a good lesson to other similar pigs.
WAYNAK YA ISTAZ NABIH BERRI. MA HADA byekhod ha2 halmara illa inta.please put out this pig out of our BARLAMEN. WE NO NEED MEMBERS AS DIRTY PIGS
yalla. t3ishi w tekli ghayra…al lebnen al…
…and they say what’s wrong with Lebanon? What’s right? If you ‘d like to live with no honor or rights (among being in a fifth world country—except the bars lol); then you have arrived at your destination.
N what’s up with the moderation dude?
Honestly I have no explanation why your comments ended up under moderation. There are no valid reasons for that to happen. My rule is the first comment gets moderated and if approved all the rest is approved.
You are a dangerous man for wordpress it seems