There are a ton of interesting Lebanese blogs I check daily but my favorite has to be Deedee McFly. I can never figure out where to eat when I go down to Lebanon so I always end up at Roadsters while Deedee McFly on the other hand seems to know all the great places. I really think its one of the most under appreciated Lebanese blogs out there, check it out [Here]
Indeed it is a pretty cool blog.
Where’s my thank you for introducing you guys to Deedee? LOL
She’s one of my oldest and dearest friends in Beirut, and whenever you see the name Z in any of her posts… that’s me!
Thank you Zaydoun
Man, this (deedeemcfly) is a newspaper not a blog. I can’t read that much. Too long and too detailed. Reminds me of my wife describing endlessly what can be said in 2 sentences. I lost interest after the 1st pragraph. I scrolled down to half the page and I saw it was also yakiti yak so I moved away.
Blogbaladi and Mark’s are still my favourite. I enjoy reading them daily.
We are so glad that whenever you are in Lebanon you head to Roadster diner!
It is great to know that we have this level of loyalty overseas!
Have a great day
Hady Chehlaoui
Rd Team