There are no words to describe the taste of a Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie…
I’m on a diet now so I try as much as possible to avoid eating sweets and junk food, but today I failed big time, but it was soooo worth it.
So I went up to the cashier and the guy asked me if I’d like to sit and be served or just do take-out. I told him I’ll just have a cookie to go. I chose the regular chocolate chip cookie.
I took the bag and started going up the escalator when I took my first bite of the cookie…. It was fantastic!
I went up to the 1st level, turned around and went back down and ordered 2 more and ate them on the spot… so much for my diet. And I took another one to go in the end…
The cookie costs 2$ but u can get a dozen for 18$, and it’s worth it.
They have all kinds of cookies, with smarties, rice krispy treats, nuts..
I highly recommend that anyone who’s reading this try them.
The shop is located on the basement floor of the ABC Dbayeh, dunno if they have any other stores though.
Looks yummy
will definitely try it next time im in leb.
Cheyif chou bala zo2 khayyak,
Ma jablak wou ma jable chi.
Dear Customer, on behalf of Nestle Toll House Cafe Team, i would like to thank you for your kind words and am so excited with the pleasurable experience you witnessed at our Cafe’. I do apologize though for breaking your diet, however it’s only fair to indulge ourselves occasionally with a well deserved sweet treat, after all we live only once so let’s enjoy yet. fyi we are opening our next Cafe in Saida Mall end of this month so hope to see you there one day soon. please feel free to pop in at anytime when u feel u need a second sweet reward.
Are those refrigerated cookies? Who buys cookies out of a fridge? You might as well just pick one up from Starbucks. Good cookies are baked fresh in front of you.
I need to open up a small bakery in Lebanon, will call it Mark’s Cookies
Hi Mark, it’s not a fridge coz the guy handed me the cookie and the chocolate chip was melted. I think it’s a temperature controlled unit. They have a fully functional kitchen just behind the cashier.
Firas, the cookies were awesome, just have to resist the urge to pass by ABC!
Just came back from there n I must admit it was definitely an orgasmic experience!
Chahe… maybe they were microwaved?
Hi Mark ; i was checking the site i know its been long time to answer about this but just want you to know the cookies they are not microwaved; we were cooking by the oven
Mmm dunno, I’ll check the next time I go. The guy handed me the cookie instantly, don’t think it was microwaved
As long as you’re satisfied, where’s the issue? as for the orgasmic experience, that’s a little bit too much information. thanks for sharing though.
Michele, don’t pay attention to JD, describe whatever sensations you feel
Hope i had nothing to do with it ya Michelle!
You have nothing to worry about Najib
kello 7a2 3lek ya Nagib!
Chahé, thank u hokiss!!! And actually they are microwaved!
JD, get a life!
Diet..bad. Cookies..good.
Nothing better than Toll House Chocolate cookies right out of the oven with a glass of milk!!! The best!
do they make bday cakes?
Yes, they do, we just talked about this
guys @ nestle toll house ABC sure you remember me! did that training and wanted to be in the team so badly but finding place to stay in near Dbayeh was so hard, hope you are having good times
miss you all : Mr. Nadim, Mr.Joe, Mr. Firas, Mostapha, Sevan, and the rest of the crew
hope to see you soon
best regards ” ya3tikon el 3afyeh “