Yes they removed 2 pieces for different reasons.. One of them is : With 10 pieces only for 250 l.l they have a bigger % of benefits than when it was 12 specially if it’s produce in Egypt ( Low cost on workers )
The other reason is more strategic : It’s to tell their competitors that they rule the market and they are the only one that can give the customers 10 pieces without them nagging about it….
Normally we all know that the pack is for 12 pieces not 10..
Me too – too Tridenty for my taste
mish kenit 12 7abbe?
akalo 3layna 7abten
kenit l 7abbe bi 250LL/12=20 LL
sarit bi 250/10=25LL
so mghalyeena by 25%
Hello Fred,
Yes they removed 2 pieces for different reasons.. One of them is : With 10 pieces only for 250 l.l they have a bigger % of benefits than when it was 12 specially if it’s produce in Egypt ( Low cost on workers )
The other reason is more strategic : It’s to tell their competitors that they rule the market and they are the only one that can give the customers 10 pieces without them nagging about it….
Normally we all know that the pack is for 12 pieces not 10..
I hope that you got your answer