Egyptian Prankster Ramez Galal thought it would be funny this year to invite celebrities to a fake opening of a hotel in Dubai, fly them on a private jet and trick them into believing that the plane is going to crash and that they need to jump in parachutes. His latest victim is Lebanese TV Presenter Nishan who totally lost it and start beating the guy next to him. To be honest, this is a sick joke and he’s gone too far this time, and the fact that the plane is actually in the air makes things even worse.
It’s like this guy is waiting for something terribly wrong to happen before he stops. He has already tricked in previous year Haifa Wehbe, Maya Diab and Cyrine Abdel Nour but this prank is the worst ever.
Someone needs to stop this show once and for all.
There’s a similar show on MTV during Ramadan. It’s called Houbout Idtirari. It’s not even funny.
I watched the MTV thing, it’s not even close to being slightly funny! These people are f*cked up in their minds! They simulated people being trapped inside a warehouse and burnt and their friends were outside watching them and shouting and crying and swearing… it wasnt funny at all.
and this idiot deserves to be taken off public TV, let him run his own “pranks” on himself and his crew if they’re happy about these things
What’s sad is that the only thing people will remember is Neshan going all out on the guy which is honestly justifiable given the circumstances.
Although I couldn’t find this funny in anyway, and I do approve that people like these should be taken off TV, I found it very weird that furious Nishan kept his microphone on and running in the second video. I mean come on, I would have thrown the microphone, left, and probably sued the shit out of him and whoever thinks this should be on TV.
Are you people for real? Are you seriously calling for a show to be taken off the air because an annoying tv show host was scared? Je suis Ramez.
Every year we have the same discussions and conversations and its getting more annoying each year. And it seems that this guy Ramez is getting more budget every year. The only way to stop such shows is in the Hand of these celebrities, all they have to do is to deny the money they get paid for these episodes and never sign the approval to air their episode. Until then all we can do as viewers is to change the channel whenever these shows are on.
Do you even think this is real? All these people are being paid to shoot every episode, there is no way on earth any of these stars’ manager would accept to risk his boss’s life at stake for a tv prank not to forget that any star would fire his/her manager if anything like this was done
Playback and look carefuly anout the reactions and facial expressions. Those things at the end, histerial moments and throwing the host with dust bla bla bla are all part of a written scenario. Believe if this show was true, this guy would have been dead eversince he started his pranks. It is a high end pr
Hahahahahahahahahahaha the guys face!!! I soiled myself watching this!!!! Come on stop taking things too seriously, no one was injured…
the other other Jerry Springer Show
I stopped watching at the 7th “kol khara”.
blah blah it was still funny, stop taking everything so seriously and have a laugh for goodness sake.. and he doesn’t need the celebrities to pay him, he already gets enough views from THE WHOLE OF THE MIDDLE EAST in that one month every year, along with his other projects such as his movies etc… so, calm down and stop making a fuss. Jesus.. It’s not that deep.