I’ve been hearing about this song for few days now. It is apparently so bad that It got already over 16 million views on YouTube. It is really really bad, in terms of lyrics, video clip, voice …
I’ve been hearing about this song for few days now. It is apparently so bad that It got already over 16 million views on YouTube. It is really really bad, in terms of lyrics, video clip, voice …
My friend shared this with me yesterday! I cannot believe this is what people are listening to these days. The first thing I thought about was my 10 year old sister back in Miami..man I really hope this isn’t her future!
I don’t see how lady gaga’s songs are better!!
for those of you who already don’t know, its getting so many views because it is really hilariously bad. If you notice, they disabled comments and ratings, probably after they got a shitload of trolls. If you go to memebase.com, almost everything is about her, hilarious.
This is the definition of “Flop Culture”..not unlike the the whole Gaga and Bieber syndrome.
do they still produce stuff like this?
omggggggggggg !!! this is annoying… like seriously ….
no content no music the video sucks… shes ugly /////
I think people are taking this song and video and blowing how bad it is out of proportion.
There is some pretty bad music out there, the fact that this song is getting so much attention and being talked about so much just gives Rebecca Black more promotion and more views.
How many times have you guys watched/listened to the song? I’m sure its more than once
check out this parody guys…. fu**in hilarious
Think Rebecca Black “Friday” is bad…listen to this one…Jenna Rose “My Jeans” Click on the link for the video http://tinyurl.com/4uns9ty