I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw a friend talking on her new Samsung Galaxy Note the other day. It looks nice and all but it’s too freakin’ big to be a phone! It reminded me of the old Nokia Communicator or one of the first Nokia cellphones except it’s bigger!
Samsung’s trying to portray it as neither being a phone nor a tablet but that’s just silly. It’s the biggest goddamn phone ever!
It’s a PHONE and it’s amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s the latest cutting edge technology in mobile phones, you should check out the HTC sensation XL.
Wlik I never said it’s not awesome technology-wise but it’s too big to be a phone!
oh well i’m sure they released it after plenty of market study, and they knew well that there was huge demand, or else they wouldn’t take the risk of poduction.
Its a tablet/smart phone hybrid, I mean seriously, who uses smart phones to make phone calls anyways
puff on u and ur Iphone!
Samsung rules! (ma3 2eno mana cherkit bet bayeh!)
Just because you didn’t like it does not mean it’s silly, ridiculous, or whatever diminutive adjective you’re slapping it with.
Check all the reviews online, many people actually love it.
Dude who said it’s silly and ridiculous? I said it’s nice and all but too damn big!
If Michelle likes it…Case closed!
Merry Christmas from the Great White North to all.
chillax ya phoenix, najib didn’t insult anyone! the size of the galaxy note is indeed ridiculous! it’s bigger than the S2 and the latter is already freaking big. the Note is neither a phone nor a tablet, it’s in-between and more designed for business purposes.
anw merry christmas!
I’d get a Note if I didn’t already have an S II.
A large phone isn’t a problem for me.
It’s definitely not for everyone, but for some people it’s the perfect in-the-middle between phone and tablet.
As for talking on it… I always use speakerphone anyway.
too too big – doe is come with a carry bag!
It is the stupidest thing ever. Have you seen someone talking on that thing?