Update: The person, Nicole Bekhaazi, who wrote those comments no longer exists on Facebook. It’s either she got kicked out or closed her account.
After May Chidiac announced her intentions to run for the 2013 elections in the Keserwan district on Saturday, she was subject to a harsh and discriminatory online attack. Honestly, only a sick person would leave comments such as the ones portrayed above! Tfeh!
Here’s the report by LBC:
she can’t be kicked out for such a reason as it doesn’t break any of facebook’s policies.
A person who gives such a comment on a national person as may chediac , is half a human being where the lower half is human being and the upper half is an animal.
You’re too kind to even consider her as half a human being.
She closed her page but we will follow her to hell!!!!!!
Dam bitch
To consider Nicole Bekhazi as a human being is too much…. and SURE she should be kicked out of facebook, do we need to have a written policy for undecent persons??? … I think Bekhaazi should be ashamed of herself, if she knows what shame is…No shame, not heart, no ethics, no decency, nothing…. better for her to vanish cause people are so disgusted to even hear her name…
Maybe Marcel Ghanem should refrain from having General Aoun as guest this Thursday, only as a way of protesting to what his followers are doing.
not unless a lot of people reported her to FB and FB doesn’t have enough translator-time to verify….
Somebody got angry when she announced her candidacy ,on top of it she’s a female and didn’t die,this must’ve angered a lot of people
I went to her facebook page after reading someone’s status update on facebook and I must say that this person (Nicole Nicolas Bekhazy) is one horrible human being. Her views are radical and to think that this is the next generation of young Lebanese is very worrisome indeed. You should see the status updates, pictures and videos on her page. She is one sick minded animal (I don’t consider her a human being).
“…and to think that this is the next generation of young Lebanese is very worrisome indeed.”
I can’t agree more, I couldn’t believe there are people like that. There is no excuse at all for someone to do this, and the reason here is her running for the elections?
Eno w ***!! Walaw?
in every political party there is some good people and some bad people, not all the general supporters are like nicole, anyway its not that big deal …she can sue her so simple:)
Not Chidiac should do the suing, but any association for the rights of people with special needs should take some initiative.
Scirocc0 law 7adan hen or sabballak 7adan men 2ahlak b hal taree2a kent bet2ool not that big deal?
ya3neh your comment farjit addeh 2enta na2sak shweyet 2enseniieh.
Najib, you shouldn’t allow such abusive talk toward Nicole. You people say on all over your pages “STOP ANIMAL ABUSE”.
mni7a minnak
i luv it man ur funny , trust me animals have more morals than this pc of shit
how horrible it is..because of political reasons we offend and bully each other.
nicole b. …is not brave enough to stand for her opinions as Ms.Mai Chidiac does. ‘n she canceled her account not to get followed for whatever savage shit she shared.
how sick those people are..w ma hadan nos ensen ghayron la2an na2sein 3a2el w dam..
The things that were on her page were stories of horror, things you would never expect from somebody like her. The thought of people like her out there in the world made me sick to my stomache.
shouldnt we consider the possibility of a fake or hacked account here?
Even if we did – which I found unlikely considering all that she used to post and share and announce without issuing, as far as I know, any statement saying that this her account was hacked or faked – there is still a big issue here; the number of likes and shares and comments that are actually enjoying what was said is a disaster…
Now that you mention it, that might be a possibility. Nevertheless as Rachelle pointed out, people were actually liking “her” posts. Maybe those were also fake accounts
In any case, it is still scary to see how some members of society actually think. Brainwash anyone…
It is shameful to say this about a humain being but then again Dr may offended many people before this and her words were as shameful as Nicole’s post
But Nicole undirectly offended all the disabled people out there which is unacceptable
Well E,
Am not sure Dr.Chidiac bullied anyone through such campaigns. She criticized, discussed, and got evidence for what she says. She never made someone feel bad about himself.
wooooooow i never imagined that someone could have such hatred for a a lady that suffered yrs and yrs and i think what they did they only made people luv may more and more and moreeeeee … may chidiac is a living hero and will always be bass too bad bifadil syria wel kleb yalli ma3a lost what she lost i hope the person who wrote what he wrote lose his sight and all of his organs and stay alive , to suffer … we loved u may we support u till the end
Kindly provide links to those “shameful words”..or shut up!
first of all it’s obvious she is not real and the facebook is fake and i tried million of times to send her a message 7atta 2emsa7 bi karamta 2el 2ared but she disable the option of receiving messages ! damn whore !
Gosh! how could people be so violent, especially women? There are limits for everything, this Nicole s*** doesn’t know when to stop, and she went so far that there’s no way back… She ruined her life, she’s the country’s monster and b**** now, I doubt that anyone will still support her, even her colleagues in the same party. The sad thing, is that there are thousands of men out there swearing and abusing people and public figures everyday with worst words, but no one even notices that… The example is this man from A7mar bil 5att el 3arid. We are still very very far from civilization.
May Chidiac, we respect you and love you.