The decisions we have to make when we’re 17–18 will affect the rest of our life in ways none of us had imagined at the time. The problem is that I never felt we had enough guidance and advice to choose the right major, and way too often, it’s what our parents or friends encourage us to do, sometimes for all the wrong reasons.

That’s why I was very happy to see the Synkers Orientation Day happening tomorrow from 3PM till 7PM at the BDD in Beirut. Here’s what’s in store for students planning on going to university soon, continuing their graduate education, or about to take standardized exams like the SATs and TOEFLs.

– Ask questions to university seniors and graduates from 25 different majors.
– Meet and discuss with admissions officers from every Lebanese university their application process and requirements for admission.
– Watch guest speakers from Ivy League universities (Harvard and Columbia) for tips on how to get into the prestigious university of your dreams.
– Learn more about evrything you need to prepare for and take your SAT, IELTS, GMAT, MCAT and many other exams.
– Free one-on-one counseling sessions with academic professionals if you’re still hazy about what you want to do.

I wish it was that easy back when I was planning on going to university. Entrance is free, but if you register on the Synkers app you get to skip the line. Also, Uber are offering you 25% off if you use the promo code “SYNKERS”

RSVP and more details here. Best of luck at univeristy!