A video is being shared of two topless women kissing and flirting on a beach resort in Lebanon. The video is being circulated everywhere but I am not sharing it. The resort is very familiar yet this could be a private party in a private spot (or bungalow), so unless they are ok with publishing this video, it’s no one’s business what they are doing.
Where is this video circulating? I haven’t come across it
Yes, a link would be very helpful indeed.
“its no one business what they are doing” but you are still bringing this to people’s attention. soooo self contradicting. sorry nothing personal just had to say it, I’m sure you will not post this in here
I felt it was a good thing to let people know how I feel about this before they start sharing the video left and right. Why wouldn’t I post this in here?
because for example, me being a regular reader of ur lovely blog, I was curious of looking at the video after seeing it here. if it wasn’t posted in here, I would have never known about its existence. anyway no hard feelings though we’re debating something pretty stupid. the video is lovely, so are the women in it. lets hope ashraf rifi won’t arrest them :p bastard
You were curious to look at it but the first impression you had was based on what I’ve written not on what others r saying it is, so I sort of helped you look at this in a different way ( I hope I did).
Trust me I hate sharing such videos but since people expect me to talk about almost everything now, I feel its good to give my opinion on something and change the way people look at it specially with all the pretentious news portals and TVs we have.
They werent burning any flags, so unless it’s a Da3esh bra they r safe
now that you made your idea clear I totally agree with you. and yes you did help me look at it in a different way..
btw i rly like how the two guys the background are looking away. common its not everyday that you see women making out nude at a resort. lol
looks like a couple of hookers performing at a stag!
Don’t know what yves is talking about..probably just another frustrated person trying to vent on any comment section they can find on the internet. Anyways..I’m so pro sexual freedom..as long as there were no minors there. It’s so nice to see haha maybe because I’m a guy. But I think people in Lebanon really need to f**k their frustrations away, it would make them so much calmer. They should be doing it in the street in every beach, every alleyway..eno khalas wen ba3dna 3eyshin bi 1500’s people? Sex is normal and it’s really not a big deal whether straight or gay or whatever it’s natural and expressive. So if you don’t like it then just look the other way, or you can go and ask to join would be the better option.
u don’t even know what ur taking about boy. post ur phone number or full name here! otherwise what a puss u are, cunt, don’t insult najib for expressing freely. if ur mind is not wide enough to understand different beliefs, then stay at the fuckin supermarket u cunt, coz thats where u deserve to be, working on the caisse .
“It’s no one s business what they are doing”???!!! Totally disagree with you. It is our business because it was carried out outdoors in a beach resort in front of people. But it seems you wanted to show that you are open minded. I know you are but there was no need for this inane sentence to prove it. Btw i love your blog and I think you are doing a great job.
Najib this is your blog and you have full rights to post whatever you want on it. That being said you are literally the Saudi of blogging. Censorship to the max and anything beza3lak you don’t post it. I didn’t write anything offensive in my previous comment bel3aks very liberal and supportive of all people. Don’t be a hypocrite and make your self seem like your open minded because your far from it. Just another Lebanese shit bag. I’m never visiting your blog again, arya7lak w arya7le..yala enjoy it man w khalik hek balkeh if u keep blocking enough ppl no one will come visit ur blog and read your close to bullshit opinions.
I am sorry but did I miss something? Who’s censoring what? I’ve only deleted comments when they included cursing and it happened very rarely.
If you are talking about your pending comment, I’ve been away from the blog all day and the comment got “under moderation” because it contained the sex word. Those are filters I use to prevent spam comments or foul language since most comments are usually pre-approved.
Thank you for the name calling but you should know better I don’t believe in censorship since you follow the blog so closely
Since you are the only blog I’m visiting while I’m abroad, i would have never heard about it if you didn’t write it.
So yes, I’m OK with you posting that to keep us informed.
And for the others, it’s his blog, so whatever he want to post it’s his right.
I’m linking abroad, open minded and not homophobic. I would have been shocked the same way if it was a man and a woman because they are doing that in Public in a resort. Even if those are hookers, the people who paid them should have gone in a private room to do that. That’s why I’m shocked about the video.
i am not judging what they are doing ,but this video is a way to tell that Lebanon has “Bad morals ” kind of repuration ,that’s the message behind it in my opinion that they want to send ,whoever videocammed it .
Finally ,girls keep doing what you and Rebel against the system ,as well as Gays ,i applaud
CF , no need for aggressive language i bet u are barely educated. debating is normal maybe for u its an ego story but for us its a reality. sleep
and najib ignore hatred messages, what u are doing is positive to bring to people mind attractive topics. so rly academically speaking, ur superior, and i don’t even know u, what u write is more than enough for me to analyze you as a correct person. peace out