I was dining at Crepaway when I noticed the expiry date on the HP BBQ sauce bottle. I am pretty much sure this is not the year but it sure looks like it. Either ways, we will never know.
I was dining at Crepaway when I noticed the expiry date on the HP BBQ sauce bottle. I am pretty much sure this is not the year but it sure looks like it. Either ways, we will never know.
lol good catch
Hehe, nice, anything is possible in Lebanon, just wondering if this is true how will the people now know that it lasted that long!
Oh, btw, that commercial was for Fairy
Of course it’s not the year (there’s not even the dash after the number 12 to begin with), and why the hell would the expiry day be the 8th of the month?? chou hal precision…
It expires in August 2012, and that’s quite obvious
expiry date is August 2012. you can season your steak safely
Indeed Azmi! I thought Perlex at first.
The exp date is Aug 2012, I see this quite a lot with my pharma drugs. Production date is stated fully to help track the lot number, but exp date is only month/year. Use the sauce in all freedom.
Yeahh the exp date is 2012..no big deal..
the expiry is on august 2012