Strida Geagea, wife of LF leader Samir Geagea
Ivy asks who’s Lebanon’s hottest Member of Parliament and lists the potential candidates. The only competition Strida Geagea has is Nayla Tueni in my opinion.
Check out all the potential candidates [Here].
We need more women in the Lebanese Parliament, specially when 50% of the Lebanese voters are women.
Nayla Tueni, daughter of Gebran Tueni and Deputy General Manager of Lebanese newspaper An Nahar.
How about a competition for the most competent MP? Now there’s an impossible task.
Strange all the woman MP’s are corrupt opportunists
I always thought that Strida Geageag is beautiful
that’s a very old picture of her. She is now a middle-aged woman, her youthful beauty all dried up and withered away.
Maybe there would be more women MPs if they felt they’re not being checked out by stupid polls like this one. Why are they judged on their hotness instead of on their ability to legislate?
HaHaha your funny
like someone in the parliament care about legislate
they care about stealing from the poor
Strida Geagea, hands down. Lighten up people, can’t always be serious
Nayla Tueni?
i expected Nayla Mouawad!!
silly me
I expected Gilbert Zwain
Why not talk about male Mp’s, In my opinion I think Hadi Hobeishe is really the sexiest MP out there…