If you ever passed by Marina Dbayyeh and wondered what this unfinished building was, it’s 18 million dollars of our tax money gone to waste.
If you ever passed by Marina Dbayyeh and wondered what this unfinished building was, it’s 18 million dollars of our tax money gone to waste.
i like how the minister of tourism himself is against it lol
I hear his son’s a swimming coach!
Simple Math:
10,400,000 – 7,000,000 = 3,400,000 M $ –> Where did they go? into whom’s pocket?
If they were kept aside, it should help save from the new required amount!! IF!!
you’re doing it wrong, he said it already cost 7M, and now it will cost an additional 10.4M to finish, so 7 + 10.4 = 17.4M.. 0.6M frata ma 7ada bye7ke fiyon 3ayb
Not wasted. They were spent wisely on their 2 favorite yachts!
Who would want to go to anything named after Emile “Mr. White Suit” Lahoud?
Someones enjoying now a villa in some posh area instead of fixing our roads ,traffic ,traffic lights ,salary increase…..
“Resistance is futile…you will be assimilated”.
I think they are still building it
Thanks for posting! I’ve been wondering what the purpose of this swimming pool was. It reminds me of the rusting City Sportive. How many millions were spent on that?
Plus how funny and yet sad the comment by Abboud. Isn’t he in the same political coalition as Karami though?