I’m starting to enjoy these clueless & exaggerated articles that are left anonymous and hit out at random people with random arguments. This one which was originally published in the so-called newspaper [Addiyar] talks about fashionistas (whatever that means) taking over social media with their fancy handbags, super-cars and six-figure watches.
The author is obviously not a fan of these fashionistas or maybe just a fashionista who’s taking things way too seriously. Not that I’m a fan of such accounts, but to presume that one of those girls has money because she’s sleeping with a rich Arab man is uncalled for and even if that’s the case, it’s not an excuse to over-generalize and assume they’re all gold diggers.
إحدى مهووسات الموضة تنشر كل يوم صورا لجزادين ثمن الواحد منها 2000 دولار اميركي مع أن والدها يعمل في دكان إحدى المدارس ومعاشها هي طوال الشهر لا يتخطى ثمن ذلك الجزدان الذي تحمل كل يوم واحدا مختلفا منه، ليتبين انها على علاقة برجل عربي بارز وثري جدا وهي تسكن في منزله في لبنان.
In all cases, here are few tips for the author, who’s a fashionista with followers in Lebanon & the Middle East (she said that), on how to pose with fancy stuff without actually paying for them:
– When you get invited to events, bring in a +1 and let her take pictures of you with fancy bags or clothes or cars. (Or get a Insta boyfriend)
– When you’re in Dubai or Abu-Dhabi, you could pose next to fancy stuff almost anywhere at no cost and the airplane ticket is at an all time low nowadays.
– Walk into hotel lounges and take pictures to look cool. You don’t need a reservation for that.
– You could walk into business lounges in hotels for as little as $30 and show off an old business ticket
See? you don’t need to sleep with an Arab Sheikh to look fancy but in both cases, everyone will know you’re fake sooner or later
I wonder if it’s the same person who’s writing those articles about the dangers of partying in #Beirut LOL!