Hani Nassar, a teacher, and his wife Barbara – who is battling bone cancer – and children Leonie and Leonard, 11 and 10-years-old, embarked on their journey on July 1 in Sidon and have since traveled across the country in a caravan painted as the Lebanese flag.
The aims of the journey, Hani Nassar said, were to show the coexistence of the Lebanese people; to reveal the beauty of the country and its people and finally to show the resilience of the human spirit. [DailyStar]
The Nassar family visited 1655 villages and towns in Lebanon and had every village or town’s mayor sign the Lebanese flag they plan to present to the President of the Republic Michel Sleiman.
The cool part is that they had planned to sleep in the caravan all 80 days, but instead only spent 15 nights in it as locals of most of the villages they visited welcomed them in their houses.
PS: I was just going through my Google reader and noticed I posted at almost the same time as Mustapha from the BeirutSpring did using the same title. Damn!
great idea, however i think they should keep the flag