I am not a big snails fan, but I occasionally enjoy them with Tarator or Lemon garlic sauce and of course a glass of Arak Baladi.
I am not a big snails fan, but I occasionally enjoy them with Tarator or Lemon garlic sauce and of course a glass of Arak Baladi.
taybin? never tasted them.
Yup they are.
Ma fi chi 2a2raf min hek 3a hal kawkab!
ya ma7la el fwerigh
Ahla bil Taaaaaj ahla.
Fwerigh are disgusting but also good.
ewwwwwwwwwww Najibbbb find another date for Wednesday
Tant pis pour toi.
Your loss
yih shu la2eeeem!!!
2anno you wanna miss out on a night for all our fellow bloggers cause I like bezze2? Walaw? wen el dawoule?
Ba3den, Escargot is a very fancy dish in French Restaurants.
Escargot along with frog’s legs are excellent french delicacies