I can understand to a certain extent closing down schools because there’s a storm and roads are bad but why did our Health Minister decide to close down nurseries as well?? Parents usually take their kids to the nursery because they work all day and have no other place to leave them. What are they supposed to do in that case? Take a day off because the Minister said so? If we can’t drive our kids to the nursery, we should all stay home then.
I think it’s about time the government stops closing down schools and nurseries every time there’s a storm. I don’t remember my school ever closing down because of a storm and there’s nothing special about the recent storms that we witnessed in Lebanon. If They are worried about buses not being properly equipped to drive in such conditions, then they could ask parents to drive their kids on that day or let the school decide.
PS: For all students reading this post, you shouldn’t get too excited about all these days off because the school will probably end up bringing you on Saturdays to catch up
It snowed over two feet in NY city…and the schools are open. I wonder why Lebanese are scared of a few mm of rain?
Maybe it’s because there aren’t heating systems in most (arguably all) schools in Lebanon. Even if there are, they’re too cheap to make use of them.
And then there’s our school that played it smart and brought us (students who have official exams) to catch up BEFORE the storm :’)
hahahahah, this all started because of the one first time the minister closed school, then all students realized that it’s a new reason to close school in this country, now everytime it rains, so do the comments on the wazirs instagram page, i’ve seen them go up to 40K. I’m a student myself and when school tells us we need to go on Saturday everyone goes batshit. For today, tuesday, the minister decided that schools should take the decision, removing the responsibility from himself, then my school said that school is open, but if you feel any risk do not come, this way the responsibility is not on them either. Personally i like these nights when we have a midterm the next day, and we spend the entire day before finding out if there’s school the next day, whatsapping the wazir and even adding him to the class group, eventually we discover there is school and nobody studied