Latest from Riad Salameh: Official Rate 1,507 No Longer Realistic

Lebanon Central Bank governor spoke to AFP earlier this today and revealed that Lebanon needs approximately between 12 and 15 billion dollars to kickstart recovery. He also added that the official exchange rate is 'no longer realistic' and that the the mandatory reserves are down to 12.5 billion dollars only. Unfortunately, any billions we get from abroad will not help recovery as long as those in power are not held accountable for decades of corruption…

#HummusForLebanon Relaunched: Bring a Smile To Lebanese Children This Holiday Season!

For those of you who did not catch on the #HummusForLebanon campaign back in May, Al Wadi Al Akhdar is launching the second wave of the Hummus initiative during December to incite further people to help out Lebanese children in need. The idea is simple: For every #HummusForLebanon kit purchased on the website, two Hummus cans will be donated to a Lebanese child in partnership with 4 reliable Lebanese NGOs: Himaya, SOS, Ayadina and Oumniati.…

Monika Borgmann Awarded Franco-German Human Rights Prize

2 years ago
Few weeks after Dar Al Jadeed, a publishing house founded by Lokman Slim and his sister Rasha Al Ameer in 1990, received the 2021 International Publishers’ Association Prix Voltaire award, Monika Borgmann who is Lokman’s ...

Zaatar W Zeit Now Open in Egypt

2 years ago
Zaatar W Zeit has officially opened its first branch in Egypt. The branch will be located in New Cairo at White by The Waterway. The opening day was on Friday the 26th of November. Zaatar ...

IMPACT Vaccine Certificate Now Recognized by the EU

2 years ago
IMPACT, the inter-ministerial and municipal platform for assessment, coordination and tracking, announced today that Lebanon’s Health Ministry vaccine certificate is now recognized by the European Union Digital COVID certificate System, which means that the COVID-19 ...

Hashli Berbara – Animated Song by Lila TV

2 years ago
We celebrate Eid el-Berbara today in Lebanon, where people dress up in costumes and visit family, friends and neighbors to wish them well. The tradition also involves singing Berbara songs, growing and eating sweetened wheat ...

Tayyouneh Clashes Featured in Reuters’ Pictures of the Year 2021

2 years ago
2021 was unfortunately yet another year marked by protests, violence and instability for Lebanon. Unlike the years where extravagant Christmas trees or festivals would tour the world, Reuters has featured Mohamed Azakir’s photo of an ...

Aerial Shots of the New US Embassy Campus in Awkar

2 years ago
Aerial shots showing the massive new US embassy campus in Awkar have been circulating online in the past week. The new US Embassy in Lebanon will remain in Awkar and will be built over an ...

BDL is Blaming Facebook & Google on the Lira Collapse

2 years ago
Forget the decades of corruption, the third highest public debt-to-gross domestic product, the state-sponsored Ponzi scheme, the real cause behind the Lira collapse, aside from the notorious yet invisible US blockade of course, is Google ...

Beirut House Awarded Best Interior Design at the AD Design Awards 2021

2 years ago
An Achrafieh apartment, designed Lebanese designer Marc Dibeh, has won the Best Interior Design trophy at the AD Design Awards 2021. The apartment was rebuilt after the Beirut Blast, and “serves as a metaphor for ...