Earth Hour is taking place this year on Saturday March 29th at 8:30pm. Last year, Achrafieh went dark for an hour to celebrate Earth Hour and I hope this years other cities from all around Lebanon will do the same. Thousands of cities in more than 150 countries will switch off their lights for Earth Hour 2014.
This global event is to remind us all that we have to seriously start considering renewable energies as individuals and as a country.
You can check out [Earth Hour Lebanon] for further info.
Really? We don’t even have 24 hours a day and we should switch off everything for 1 more hour? eff that.
We have 8 earth hours per day, every day
How about we get 1 hour of free ishtirak for earth hour?
stop being a douche this is NOT about electricity its about reducing pollution even if we dont have much electricity, we r causing ALOT of pollution because we r using generators other than the electricity power plants so we’re STILL using electricity pff what a stupid lebanese mentality
Weak reply, especially the douche part.
I believe this initiative is for countries with 100% government-provided/regulated electricity, not applicable to Lebanon.
If you want to stop pollution, go and petition to upgrade the power plants and force the black market electricity providers to go out of business. Turning off my lights for 1 hour is negligible.
You got all excited for an initiative that has almost no impact in Lebanon
Get off your high horse, stop trying to be so western with your views and come back to reality.
Next time you call me a douche, i will wash your mouth with soap
Next time put hot sauce in his mouth lol.
Chahe; it is a matter of culture change not saving the earth!!