I come from the South and i’ve always bragged that Knefe up there is the best, better than SeaSweet, Abeille D’or, Doueihy etc ..
Now that El Baba, which is a very famous sweets shop in Saida, is open in Jal el Dib, i’ve had two of my friends try its Knefe and they absolutely loved it. It is less sweet than all other Knefes and the cheese is better. The Kaake is also better tasting.
I highly recommend it for people who like Knefe.
I tried it, it’s not that good, l’abeille d’or or doueihy taste better
Min wen la wen?
You are the first person who tells me that.
Kol w mout
U should both tray Hallab in Tripoli which is by far more superior to any other kenefe in Lebanoni.
My favorite knefe is Amal Bohsali
I hear Samadi sweets in Montreal has a great sweet collection.
Hi Najib – I saw this and could not let it go without letting you know my experience with El Baba Sweets.
I was in Beirut last September and picked some Beklwah to take with me for friends and family in US.
Well, while tasting the Burma, something under my teeth did not feel right..Sure enough, it was a 3 inch copper wire! It was copper-ish in color so for sure it blended good with the Burma!
I emailed them on their website and complained about it. One of the grand kids emailed me back asked for pictures and said this happens all time, “You live in the US and should know those things happenâ€, Really? Yeah it happens but, your business will be shut down, buddy! I emailed the pictures and the receipt thinking I will get my money back!
So, few more weeks passed by, the guy asked me to for my address and sent me some stuffed dates and 2 coffee mugs with El Baba logo printed on them. So I will not forget! LOL.
I spend $170 on the sweets I bought from there that day and all they could do was send me crap that was probably worse $5 and shipped it with DHL. I would have been happier with a refund or a partial refund.
It’s a shame, my family and I have been buying El Baba sweets for the longest time, not any more, I will made sure all my friends and family is aware of this.
Make sure you chew your Kinefeh well, LOL.
Thank you for this comment, however your problem seems to be with their Customer service and not really their Knefe. It might happen that you find things in your knefe or beklawa but how el Baba handled this matter is truly embarassing and i would have stopped buying from them as well.
If you are going to indulge and eat a Kneffe….Must be Amal Bohsali.
I’ve never had this,..is there anywhere I can get it in Beirut?
Amal Bohsali!!! the best knefe you can have

el baba knefe and ice cream are awesome
Amal Bohsali is the best
There seems to be lots o debate about the best knefeh. How good your knefeh is, I think, is a big factor of how fresh it is, which means how early you are ready to wake up (or happen to be awake). At early hours at tiz el daw (the ass of the light), your senses may not be fully ready to properly judge the knefeh, especially if you’re coming back from a party.
So knefeh comparison is a wacky science. Personally I’ve found the knefeh at Kairuz Bakery to be good. Maybe i’ll just stick to that.