Meghlé is a traditional dessert that is served when there is a new born in the family, but a lot of families prepare it often because it’s that good. Meghlé is basically a rice pudding prepared with sugar, caraway, cinnamon and other spices and then garnish it with coconut spread, almonds, pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts and dried raisins.
Even though the list of ingredients to prepare this dessert is quite simple, adding more sugar or more spices makes a lot of difference in the taste and even the add-ons on top can drastically change the taste. Personally speaking, I absolutely love Meghlé but I can’t have it when it’s too sweet and a lot of people tend to prepare it that way. Moreover, I hate it when they add small dried raisins (Zbeeb) on top as I believe it ruins the whole thing. My favorite has always been my mom’s Meghlé because it’s not too sweet and the spices are not too strong, and because she hates Zbeeb as well. I will ask her for the recipe and share it later on today for those interested.
PS: It is important to soak the almonds, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts in separate bowls overnight and then peel them off the next day. It makes a world of a difference in terms of taste.
Dude, yours had Zbeeb in it last night. I’m not a fan of Zbeeb in Mighle either.
I guess you got your answer now
I hate it when they add raisins….totally ruins the taste!!! The meghli in the picture looks yummy and once again congratulations!!!!
Thank you Chirine and agreed!
i like it no zvbib and delivery from Najib,mabrouk:)
Mabrouk Najib
Do you know the origin of meghle and why they make it?
I’m interested to see if it’s Lebanese, from the Levant and/or something only Christians do.