Burger places and Steak houses are the latest trend in Lebanon, hence the latest version diner combining both. I am not sure if the idea will work; I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
LVD is located near ChopSticks and Shtrumph in Dbayyeh. Its logo reminds me of another restaurant’s logo but I can’t remember which.
The logo reminds me a lot of Steak ‘n Shake…
If only the food would be as good!!!
the logo looks also like “let’s burger”‘s
Well from my rather small experience, it’s never good to have a restaurant claiming to be the expert in more than one type of food. 90% of the time it ends up sadly.
The dinner is not that nice compared to other good ones we have in lebanon, we would have to spend 50$ to simply eat a burger and the portion is WAY TOO SMALL and the service is bad, noone care for the comment/feedback card, we wrote our feedback about it and noone cared to asks us about it.