Picture from Lebanondebate
An employee at the Lebanese Restaurant Baalbeck in Riyadh, has reportedly threatened two customers for offensive remarks on Hezbollah’s secretary general Hassan Nasrallah. After the news spread, Saudis were angered by the story and a campaign was launched in the KSA (And a hashtag too #مقاطعة_مطعم_بعلبك_بالرياض) to boycott the restaurant. The restaurant’s management apologized for the employee’s behavior and promised to take the necessary measures.
I don’t know what got into this employee’s mind to pull something like that, but he surely picked the wrong place at the wrong time. They are already posting names of other Lebanese restaurants to boycott in KSA and Kuwait as well, just check out the tweets on the hashtag being used.
ﻫﻴﻬﺎﺕ ﻣﻨّﺎ ﺍﻟﺬﻟّﺔ
that employee should just kept his mouth shut
he ruined his career
but why the public is taking it out on the other lebanese restaurants ? not all the restaurants have the same views as this random employee!
it looks like a witch hunt against anything lebanese at this point …tsk tsk
there is never a right time for such comments, especially in KSA
KSA? Funny! In a tfeh kind of way
do you think your opinion counts ? hahaha
At least I can have one, unlike you who live in KSA.. and ha ha ha at you. tfeh
ha ha ha no i don’t live in KSA . I will never live in KSA. But if i had to i will make sure to respect their preferences.
Because you’re an idiot and a coward. Why would you respect a backwards tyrannical regime otherwise?
What a retard…No wonder he is a waiter in KSA!!
I guess he feels very big and proud now.
retarded Gianni!! asslicker as usual!!
Oh nice, a bunch of whores who are ready to bend over for some Saudis!
I wonder what happened to… well… FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Yeah that guy should have kept his mouth shut, just like a christian should if anyone insult Jesus, or a true lebanese should when someone insults his… welll never mind.
TFEH indeed…
josef n paul
Do you guys read what you write? One calls me an “asslicker” (I guess you speak of experience); the other talks about freedom of speech. Yeah we do have a lot of that in Lebanon. Wallaw; remember you can say all you want but don’t you ever touch the yellow jackets! Go ahead tough guy; I dare you say anything negative about HA in the Dahiye! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
You misguided children should learn what entails a freedom of speech before you lecture others. KSA is a brutal dictatorial regime. Off course you guys are against that! …However you do love the Bashar and Nassrallah because they are both beacons of love and forgiveness!
Hey dumbass, you just ruined your career in ksa and probably all of the gulf. Now you got no job no life nothin. Next time keep your mouth shut. Ohh wait, there is no next time.
KSA living in stone age. Camel jockeys will always be camels. May your camels hatch more retarded camels
Reading those donkeys tweets shows how much camels they are.