Alfa’s emoji campaign to promote road safety
The road conditions are bad tonight as the storm has just kicked in and it’s raining everywhere, so I urge everyone to drive carefully if they are headed to the mountains and to avoid driving after the party especially if they’ve been drinking.
Let’s try to make this NYE an accident-free night and forbid anyone from driving back home if their car is not equipped for slippery roads or if they are under the influence of alcohol. It’s very easy to call a cab or order an Uber these days so let’s make good use of it.
Unfortunately there are no free-taxi initiatives this year, or at least none that I heard of but that’s not an excuse not to call a cab if you can’t drive back. “ما تكون بلا راس السنة” and take a taxi if you must wou 3a 2bel ma nchoufak bil 2016!
Happy New Year Everyone!
I reproduced this poster from Almaza from last year and replaced 2015 with 2016