Amal Alamuddin is a “barrister specializing in international law, human rights, extradition and criminal law. She has represented clients in cases before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as in domestic courts in the UK and US” [Source]. She is currently representing Julian Assange, head of Wikileaks, in his extradition proceedings with Sweden.
I was told she is originally Lebanese but I couldn’t find any reference to that. Amal was also voted the hottest UK barrister earlier this year.
George Clooney’s newest love interest has officially been revealed. One week after the award-winning actor was spotted dining with a mystery brunette (and roughly three months since his split from former WWE star Stacy Keibler), the woman has been identified as British lawyer Amal Alamuddin.
E! News reported Monday that Alamuddin is the woman with whom Clooney was recently photographed leaving Berners Tavern in London late last week. Paparazzi originally captured the pair leaving the restaurant after enjoying a meal of contemporary English fare at its Edition hotel-based establishment, smiling at one another before leaving together in a cab. So just who is Clooney’s latest girlfriend? [Source]
Update: Proof that she’s Lebanese
Amal Alamuddin from Lebanon (LL.M. `01) and Emma Lindsay of the UK (LL.M. `03)
Amal Alamuddin was born in Beirut, and educated in English law at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University. She joined NYU School of Law in 2000 for the LL.M. program. During her time at NYU she studied both public international law and U.S. law, and worked for one semester as a student law-clerk at the Chambers of Judge Sonia Sotomayor at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Upon graduation Ms. Alamuddin joined the litigation department of Sullivan & Cromwell, New York, where she practiced U.S. and international law for three years. Ms. Alamuddin worked at the International Court of Justice in 2004-04 and is one of two NYU-sponsored clerks at the Court, acting as a clerk to Judge Vladen S. Vereshchetin (Russian Federation) and Judge Nabil Elaraby (Egypt). [Source]
Thank you Rana!
Is…is it weird that she looks like him?
She might be Lebanese, check out this link:
OMG I was going to write the same thing !! she looks exactly like him. Maybe she’s his twin sister !! LOL
omfg out of all the beautiful women we have here in the arab world they picked this ji3s hahha shes really ugly. clooney needs a trip to lebanon bijin
Come to Lebanon? Really? I’m sure he knows enough fake, opportunistic, unambitious plastic women in Hollywood…
Exactly what i thought of Ranya!
what an accurate description!
So yorur saying all of Beatty here is plastic? Including yourself unless you don’t consider yourself that…plastic isnot my kin of Beaty ..all I’m saying is he can do much better she’s fugly
I will not waste my time trying to knock some sense into someone that uses the word “fugly”. I’ll just pray for you child.
Ps. I am of Lebanese descent, but I am far from being Lebanese.
Well time wasted cuz u replied to both my comments :p and an Internet article isn’t going to tell you all the truth now is it? Maybe she’s a satanic ritualist who kills baby animals GOD can’t you SEE? I’m sure your ugly Ranya that’s why ur upset if u were hot u would have I pray for you! Child!
You got me. I’m hideous! But I didn’t waste my time… This is part of my research on citizens of the underdeveloped world
smala 3leikeh your so developed..get a life dude and stop being so full of your own sh**t.
Ranya, I think a better and more effective put-down would have been “I’ll just pray for your child.”
Actually, she reminds me of Anne Hathaway!
haram anne hathaway sara7a
omg !! omg
GC is gay for all of u who dont knw… these hot women from isabella cannalis to stacey kiebler r all marketing stunts to keep him popular & hide the truth…
and yes she looks like anna hathaway indeed of course the ugly version
KM, please describe your version of “beautiful…”
I know it’s depressing seeing a lovely, intelligent woman get something you will never have…
How do u know she’s lovely and all that u never even met her. Maybe she’s a baby killer for all you know and you’ve fallen head over heals protecting the fact tht an ugly ass woman hooked up with clooney cuz he’s searching for an ‘oriental’ experience….George if your reading this you totally failed at getting a nice Arab woman..and you are not getting te full oriental experience sorry dude..I mean clooney out of all ppl can have any1 chose this girl..she must be wild that’s the only way..
Please refer to this site (it will answer all your questions):
By God’s name, @ CF..YOU ARE BURNING OF JEALOUSY girl. I don’t know Amal and she may not be very beautiful in her pictures but she’s oozing with sex appeal, she’s tall and very sexy and she’s smart and intelligent. It’s not only the face that counts but the total personality .Stop being so jealous and get a life.
something ill never have… umm what? George Clooney?! lol it’s ok I’ll pass…
y r u so edgy? u should chill…
smart successful women r a must… but when they become testosterone filled like u spilling their anger at everyone, it just becomes a turn off…
She is Lebanese
Guys I realised why are we focusing on her looks?
It should totally be about personality u guys are not seeing the other side of it
Nope just kidding
Still ugly
Shes got the credentials!
But lol how everyone is so excited shes getting banged by Clooney.
It’s just Ranya doesn’t get it..haram
this her review on the special tribunal for Lebanon:
and this a brief biography of her that proves she’s Lebanese:
Guys,,, I should be a part of the blogbaladi team ;)))
Haha thank you Rana
maybe she’s ugly but definitely an educated smart woman,unlike our women who don’t fight for their rights but only with each other
plz do not generalize. in each society u have the percentage of women that just wana spend money and look hot… In leb cause its a small country, it’s flagrant… but percentages r the same… lots of beautiful smart successful women here…
plz again do not generalize, it shows a lack if intellect.
What small-minded people, focusing on this brilliant woman’s looks. and what a broad definition of ugly. would you rather him date a woman who fits your own definition of beauty? would that make you more proud as Lebanese? i wonder what the hell you’ve accomplished in your lives. does it even come close to this woman? and i wonder what you look like, hiding behind your screens. pathetic, really.
Dana chill… take a glass of water drink it, focus on your breather & relax…
most of us commenting here r educated, average to good looking… it’s just fun to joke & gossip abt people when they become celebs under the lens…
plz don’t take it more than it actually is…
bel lebneneh, ma bada halkad! have a good day.
Dana dear, that’s lebanese drama if you will. That’s what happens when there is so much unproductivity in the country.
Trust me she doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ who is saying if she is hot or not. Some prefer brains over beauty. Others prefer the trophy showcase wife/gf for gawking ogling eyes. Some prefer simplicity, others prefer the glamaour and glitz.
But Lebs who have the latter mentality, NEVER seem happy.
Simply put, shallow people.
HOw did this conversation get to this point?? looool
its just the regular Celeb Gossiping you all watch on E1!Ma badna nenhar!
This was a fun thread. I just love how worked up girls get when you play the looks over personality card :p nezlo bel lebneniyeh w osas hahah gd stuff guys one love