Watch out on your way up to Dbayyeh right after Hotel Royal. In case you missed this huge pothole, the Dbayyeh municipality made sure to keep a manhole cover open few meters later.
Watch out on your way up to Dbayyeh right after Hotel Royal. In case you missed this huge pothole, the Dbayyeh municipality made sure to keep a manhole cover open few meters later.
hahahhaha i knew u’d take that photo 😀
ahamma chi l-douleb bi alb l-joura ta iza alab hadan la ta7et ma yserlo chi 😛 hhhahhahaha
I once fell in one of those in Tripoli. Lights were off because no kahraba, one moment I was walking peacefully on the sidewalk, second thing I know, I’m in a two meter deep hole.
What was ur car and what happened to it?
Its the road to the Palestinian Refugees Camp in Dbayeh (i bet most of you dont know there is a Palestinian camp there)
The Italian embassy and the UNRWA renovated the sewage and water systems of the camp. These manholes were because of the project. It was going well, but MANY trucks go up this road and dump loads of sand and dirt up the hill. So, they messed up the road with their huge weights and enormous tires.
The municipality is refusing to fix the road because they say the camp is not their responsibility, yet they are the ones allowing the trucks to go there.
The road close to BENTA factory has a bar to limit the vehicles’ height, and make the trucks go ruin the camp’s road.
I think it will remain the same until the elections (though some people have put cement to cover the holes, but i dont know how long will it stand)
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