NASA team showing Lebanese Charles al-Achi, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
It’s a great honor to have a Lebanese at such a high position especially that this is the first time NASA has successfully put together a video of a landing on Mars.
NASA’s latest adventure to Mars has given the world more than just glimpses of a new alien landscape. It opened a window into the trip itself, from video footage of the landing to a photo of the rover hanging by a parachute to a shot of discarded spacecraft hardware strewn across the surface. And the best views — of Mars and the journey there — are yet to come. [Link]
NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover descent
First Pictures from NASA’s Mars Curiosity over [Link]
Finally a leb blog post about this important milestone in the history of humanity, thank you blogbaladi.
im still not convinced by the images…they dont really look like theyre “from another planet” .. we have the same rocky and sandy scenery here in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia..
i hope they release different kinds of images.. maybe wider range images showing a larger surface of the planet with space or something..