I just read on NowLebanon that the bill to ban indoor smoking was passed in the parliament with few amendments. No mention of what the amendments are.
Smoking will still be allowed in the parliament though as a proposal by Moukheiber to make it smoke-free was refused “very politely” by Berri.
even though i would love to see this implemented, i see it failing miserably..
the only way to cut smoking habits, is to raise the tax on cigarettes, in Europe, the smokes pack costs around 5 euros, that’s ~12000LL..
THAT way ppl will stop smoking
Haha yeaaah right , this is only to get money into their pockets ,we will keep smoking
ana Ra2yeh , is that we Tax on Cigarettes , Cigars, Arguileh, etc… should be multiplied by 10. Then Indoor Smoking should be forbidden everywhere specially in nightClubs and Restaurants and pubs, and malls and all other public locations!
If the law does not contains these rules then it is a senseless law!
On the other way there should be a specific Police department to handle the implementation on this law!
No the only way to implement the law is not by fining individuals who smoke indoors, but by fining the owners of the restaurants/bars… in that way they would be more vigilant in prohibiting smoking inside their premises.
Agree 100% with Alf… proof is Annie’s comment
People are too much in love with their smokes to let go of the habit and you can’t be behind them 24/7.
Side note, I don’t personally smoke and don’t mind people smoking around me, my lungs have already been destroyed by years spent in network places. Still I enjoy not having my clothes not smelling like an ash tray everytime I come back from a night’s out.
Even if they increase taxes, people will still buy cigarettes “tehreeb”. Long story short, this is just a law which will be ignored just like all other laws in Lebanon.
Aaaaah plzzz,I’m not a smoker but pple are free to smoke around me,I’m not here to lecture them or teach them a lesson around smoking,they should just put ventilating systems to clean the air in the resturants/bars ,or else pple are are free to smoke ,then why did they invent the cigarette in the 1st place,ba3deen hone za3ran why d u think they didn’t increase the price of cigarettes,because this way sales will decrease so they thought abt zbouta to fill their pockets,like the parking space, like the speed radars ,they’re all ways to fill their pockets
as annie said, this is just a scheme to increase revenue.. if they bust a place with smokers inside, they are either gonna fine the place, or the owner/manager will just “tip” the darak not to fine him.. it’s a win-win situation