Internet will NOT change drastically within few weeks and we will NOT be getting 3G technology before 2012. That’s what the miniter of telecommunications claimed today correcting rumors that were alleged to him in Assafir.[Link]
The article states that there are three phases for the 3G switch:
– First Phase in September 2011: Testing.
– Second Phase in October 2011: 3G in Beirut & Mount Lebanon.
– Third & Final Phase: 3G all over Lebanon start of 2012.
I thought they already did the necessary tests few months back?
I have a feeling we’re gonna be hearing about more delays as we get closer to the deadline.
It’s summer time and many Lebanese expatriates come back to lebanon during summer for VACATION! A friend of mine came from Sweden(Yes the developping country we all know where there are a lot of snow and the highest rate of suicide in the world). He asked me why can’t he get 3 G service on his Mobile here is lebanon, while in sweden, he can get the service on his mobile and his laptop with many phone calls hours, (speed 10 Mb/sec) for around 40 USD.
I answered him, this is why you have a highest rate of suicide, look at us here, we still have DSL 512 Kb/s (4GB QUOTA) ONLY and we are didn’t suicide yet!
Honestly guys …. F*** This country and those Ministers and all who “yched 3ala mchadon”
Choura2yak bi hal 7akeh ?
Ra2ye min ra2yak
But I associate Sweden with beautiful girls, not suicide rates.
It takes time to roll out a nationwide 3G radio network (several hundred sites). The testing you are refering to happened in a “test” environment to prove functionality and speed.
I know it’s been ages since any significant work has been done on our mobile networks, but this time it is happening…. Oh and patience is a virtue, they say
Here’s to hoping that it finally gets implemented! And properly! Too bad I won’t be there to see it and had to waste many nights uploading and downloading on that piece of shit MOBI!
Se3a bi oulou bi Sep w se3a bi Oct.
I’m disappointed of this 3G serves it may have errors and connection down it there is 900,000 users need to subscribe.
But i hope every thing comes smooth and have 3G on Jan 2012