Every now and then, there’s a new article that comes out and bashes what’s happening at beach resorts in Lebanon and during beach parties. All of a sudden, foam parties turn into nudist parties and beach parties with exotic dancers turn into porn movies and cabarets. The funny thing about this article from Al Jomhouria is that the author seems to be ok with the nudist beaches in Mykonos and the gay-friendly atmosphere, yet is outraged by exotic dancers and hot beach parties. Moreover, have you seen what a cabaret looks like? Did you ever watch a porn film? How can you possibly compare dirty dancing and a drunk chick in a bikini to a porn movie?
There’s nothing wrong happening at these beach resorts in Lebanon and I am sure a lot of people are enjoying these parties and having a blast. These things happen all the time in Greece and Cyprus and people who don’t like it just don’t go there. It’s as simple as that.
Last but not least, the only way Lebanese will stop being so superficial and care about other’s looks is when they stop judging people for what they are and let them do whatever they wish to. That’s why no one cares how you dress or what you look like in Mykonos and homosexuals are accepted in their community.
these writers needs to be stopped or else they will just write more stupid things everyday
These writers needs to go live in Saudi Arabia
they are not welcomed here.
Send him to Vegas for a few days! that ought to fix him up. I’d suggest you ignore these puritan souls.
Thank God for beach parties and sexual liberation, long live Lebanese freedoms.
you have mentioned earlier that Hariri shouldn’t be biking and taking selfies as there’s an on-going war in gaza.. ma3 e7terame la 2elak.. haydehoriyeh shakhsieh w makhasak inta shu bya3mel Hariri aw ghayro, mind your own business.. and this what everyone should do (in regards to the beach resorts)
To begin with the two posts r totally unrelated and I didn’t ask Hariri not to take selfies. I said it’s a bad time for him to be taking selfies given that’s he s a political and considered a leader in Lebanon. He can do what ever he likes and I couldn’t care less.
It no longer becomes ur personal freedom when u r a person in charge as u r held accountable in most civilised countries.
So mbala khasne wou khass kel wa7ad lebnene to hold his leaders accountable for all their acts.
Well, the “Leader” mentality destroyed Lebanon… everyone leads himself
Again ur point is wrong. It is the zaiim mentality that destroyed lebanon. Every society needs leaders and a leader improves by listening to his critics which should be the people and voters.
(Y) Bravo Najib … Respect
Where do these writers usually write these things ????in what magazines or newspapers ???can i know the source ???
“Al joumhouria writers call for Dae3esh like restrictions on lebanese personal freedoms” or any other inflammatory tabloid title will work here.
Aren’t we tired in the Middle East from legislated anachronisms? What we see is healthier than what the author wants, which is most likely the opposite, which is a recipe for a miserable society, look around in the neighborhood for proof! duh!
What this article is emphasizing aside, a couple comments about said places:
1- Does anybody still f***** ever SWIM in a “swimming” pool in Lebanon?
2- Any decent (nice) place that someone with a family and kids can still go to?