Picture from Osocio.org
Eleven girls, whose age range between six and eight, fell victim to their almost 20-year-old teacher’s sexual assault at a fine Catholic school in Mount Lebanon.
The secret was revealed by coincidence when one of the girls decided to inform her parent of her plastic art teacher’s abusive acts. The 6-year-old girl told her mother that her teacher tried to lift her skirt and to place his body against hers.
The girl also told her mother what her teacher had also done to her friends: “He took one of them to the toilet and forced another one to take off her clothes. Another girl cried when she saw blood on her underwearâ€. [Link]
A 6 year old girl? How sick is this guy?
The sad part is that his whereabouts are still unknown.
Sick minds will always be around.
The factor that always makes a difference is the reporting of suck acts, by the brave 6-year old girl in this case.
This is why the PARENTS (and ultimately the SCHOOL) should be aware of such threats and prepare their kids how to handle them in the first place: Explain to their kids, girls AND boys alike, that these parts of their body are PRIVATE, meaning NOBODY has the right to talk about them, let alone see or touch.. Especially older relatives or persons with authority, who may intimidate the poor kids..
It is a traumatic experience that deeply alters and complicates normal sexual evolution at such a young age, so why take the risk??
These are all rumors… LBC should have checked their sources. I know the school and personally know the guy. I’ve already read the article 10 times and there isn’t a single straight fact.
3 parents accused him of assaulting thir girls and turned the parents comittee against him. They don’t have anything in their hands. There are no medical reports or anything official that proves that he’s guilty.
A week ago the school forced him to sign his resignation, he was not fired. There are no charges on him, he’s not guilty of anything.
Everywhere in the world, you are innocent until proven guilty except here. LBC don’t have the right to post such stories if there isn’t any proof that he assaulted the young girls. Stories like this can end an innocent guy’s career
Why would they fabricate such stories then? and with 11 different girls? Why isn’t the guy suing the school and parents and clarifying the affair? What school is it?
Because this is lebanon and when parents notice something wrong with their children they never ask themselves if it this their fault they always accuse everyone else, in this case the teacher. There aren’t 11 girls. I was surprised the first place that this story reached the news. The problem is with 3 girls and their parents. The parents committee wanted to file a lawsuit but they don’t have anything in their hands. The good thing is that the teachers committee is defending the guy. I know all these info because I’m close to the guy and know what’s happening with the attorneys.
Just wanted to add that he will sue the parents. The school took a neutral position when he resigned. They can’t do anything, they’re not responsible for anything.
That’s pretty weird. Guess we will wait for something official and see what happens.
That’s all I’m asking
Jungar – Your good friend isn’t looking so good now…
And it seems what you said is quite inaccurate.
These are allegations. If they are true; why don’t the authorities arrest the man.Until then we should withhold judgements.
Off course all pedophiles should be put in jail with the general population of inmates and let them meet their destiny.
Ento bi lebnen a rapist doesn’t go to jail when he rapes a girl let alone a pedophile ,sick country
What a shame for the school
I called my aunt and it turned out the teacher teaches at aintoura
And why do you hire a men for a class of kids
He should be killed
what does the assaulter’s gender have to do with this story? your comment is sexism at its best. we’ve always heard many stories about female teachers who sexually assaulted minors. so don’t assume that if the teacher is female, the kids are safe. this way we won’t be addressing the main issue here.
nor we will be solving the problem by “killing” the offender.
Jungar, if it was one girl I would agree with you but 3 as u said or 11 as they said it’s more than enough!!
How comes that thid school doesn’t have supervisors in the toilets!!
Looks like MTV confirmed it tonight. Supposedly the person in question is at the hospital after trying to commit suicide.
It is a sad situation, really..
To K: There are decent male teachers for kids classes (my daughter’s music teacher), why generalize??
I agree with Rima that schools MUST have same-sex supervisors for the kids toilets for assistance and monitoring (i know my daughter’s school does, for one), but we don’t know if these incidents happened during class time, which would mean the toilets are left under no supervision..
Maybe the entrances should be monitored by cameras?
In all cases, I believe a (fair) trial is essential. guilty or not, let Justice have its say.. for the sake of our future generations.
I think you are right @Alphonse. but I’m afraid that having assistants in the toilets for monitoring will never solve the problem. kids could be always assaulted somewhere else. this story just happens to take place in the toilets, doesn’t mean all eventual ones will take place there as well. there’s always the classrooms, empty exam rooms, etc. well you get the idea.
I think the only way to solve this is by an awareness program, for both the parents and kids. parents need to stop denying the existence of the word sex around their kids. it’s never too early to talk about sex education, the thing that parents here in Lebanon fail to do.
and of course, a fair trial, if the accusations turn out to be totally true.
This men if he gets out of the hospital he shoud be killed
I mean if she was his age and one it would have been as bad but 11 girls and 6 year oldes,what the fuck
Why does an adult want to rape a 6 year old
And to alphonse: they don’t know if he tried to commit suicide or just a car accident
And even if he tried to commit suicide what a timing after the girls lifes have been destroyed for ever
You know what dazzles me? All we care about is seeing a legal document proving that the teacher is DEAD. A legal document, an authentic document, a REAL document that tells us all that the teacher is totally DEAD! Even a picture or a video of him going through the death process would do.
However, we do not care about seeing a legal document, a medical proof, an authentic picture or video that proves that all of the girls’ statement are in fact, true.
If I were the teacher, and I did do the wrongdoings, yes, I would kill myself. Especially if I lived in Lebanon! And, following that, a legal document would be released confirming my death.
If I were the teacher, and I did not do any of the wrongdoings, my career is not only over, I am hated by all of the Lebanese community. And if I were to look for another job, yeah… that won’t happen. Moreover,if I do not kill myself, the Lebanese community will make sure my death is certain. Following that, a legal document would be released confirming my death.
So, why are we so obsessed with this death certification? Why aren’t we obsessed with ALL OTHER KIND OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS? Such as MEDICAL PROOFS?
That’s what I’ve been asking for since the start. I want to know if whatever they accused the teacher of is correct and who examined the girls and how.
I study at the school where the incident (which was mediated and exaggerated to its extremes) happened and I’ve heard that the whole class were taken to see more than one psychiatrist and only 1 girl spoke with a different story every time she was asked. That same girl’s parents have been in fights with many other teachers for silly reasons and happen to be in debt to the school. Also, the kids are always chaperoned by a second teacher (a woman.
Responding to questions above,yes, the toilets are always supervised which complicates even more the logic in the story…
I’m not defending the guy which might be guilty for charges, i am sure, are less important than what they seem.
It’s sad to see that media in our country abuses their “freedom” and thereby reports mere rumors and gossip with their so-called “Scoops” as their only motivation.
Batal fi rjel bi hal balad!