
All Lebanese and non-Lebanese children (aged 4 to 16) will be able to attend public schools for free this year. We are talking about 367,000 children, out of which 200,000 Syrians. The #BackToSchool (#كلنا_عالمدرسة) campaign was launched by UNICEF Lebanon and the Ministry of Education after they managed to collect $94 million from international donors and organizations.

I think this is very good news because any form of education is better than no education especially for refugee children. I know our public schools are not the best but they will provide a safe environment for all these children, a chance to socialise with each other and stay away from the street. More importantly, education is the best weapon against extremism and terrorism.

PS: If you already registered your child and paid the tuition, follow the below guidelines and you will be reimbursed.
