I have no clue what was going on this afternoon, but there was absolutely no traffic between Dbayyeh and Nahr el Kalb. The road is always packed there and I pass by it almost everyday at the same time, yet for some unknown reason the roads were empty today. One of my friends told me that it’s due to some army checkpoint on Charles el Helou but still something was not right.
I posted the above picture on Instagram and everyone was as surprised as me, so if any of you knows what was happening please do tell!
Same thing happened to me on the highway from downtown till mcdonalds dora. It was 2PM and usually traffic is completly jammed, while yesterday there was barely any traffic and what used to take 30-50 minutes took me 7-10 minutes.
Tayeb why are you upset 😛 enjoy it while you can!
simple..it’s September, back to school and university
all people who used to go to their summer house up in the mountains went back to beirut
not to mention that the beach season is over for a lot of people so it’s less traffic towards Byblos and Batroun.
and the tourists if any! left Lebanon
Traffic has decreased big time in the past week everywhere I really don’t know why, many factors I guess mainly because summer ended