TalekKabbara Yalla 3al Iris? via @TalebKabbara

I got back early from the protest today because I have a wedding dinner so I compiled some of the funniest slogans and pictures I saw into one post. Enjoy!

Piaf via @InedithPiaf

Louai_n Man United fans were there – via @Louai_n

IMG-20150829-WA0050 Taxi Lebnene 100% (Made in Germany)

IMG_20150829_190941 I ran out of water yesterday lol!

@Laraelhaddad Dayi3 el shab – via @Laraelhaddad

@OlinAH Trying to sell his car at the protest – via @OlinAH

11951803_10153068431896596_5739446591898691925_n The struggle is real

Berri via @InedithPiaf


IMG_20150829_190852 Klink was at the protest – via @RalphAoun

Teezna Min el ekhir.

Update: I just got this one and thought it was worth adding.

elissa LOOL – via LindsayChoueiry