Yalla 3al Iris? via @TalebKabbara
I got back early from the protest today because I have a wedding dinner so I compiled some of the funniest slogans and pictures I saw into one post. Enjoy!
via @InedithPiaf
Man United fans were there – via @Louai_n
Taxi Lebnene 100% (Made in Germany)
I ran out of water yesterday lol!
Dayi3 el shab – via @Laraelhaddad
Trying to sell his car at the protest – via @OlinAH
The struggle is real
via @InedithPiaf
Klink was at the protest – via @RalphAoun
Min el ekhir.
Update: I just got this one and thought it was worth adding.
LOOL – via LindsayChoueiry
I lol’d at the last one.
Missed the one that says “SHAME” with a picture of the woman who shamed Cersei Lannister in the last episode of game of thrones. That one was epic
Hayda ne7na hayda jawna..fi a7la mn hek sha3eb :D??
Missed the young man holding box of jewelry (ring = aluminium can seal) with slogan:
“We want to get married”
… financial hardships ….
Missed the stroller with toddler, with slogan:
“7illo 3an bawli”