For the first time this year, a 17 year old will be taking part in the 42.195 km run at the Beirut Marathon and he’s doing it for a good cause, a cause that touches 25% of the Lebanese population and yet is hugely sidelined by the vast majority in our society.

Adam is running to help raise funds for IDRAAC (a Lebanese NGO dedicated to mental health) and set up a free mental health clinic dedicated to offer treatment and awareness services.

IDRAAC (Institute for Development, Research, Advocacy and Applied Care) is the first Lebanese NGO dedicated to mental health awareness, research and community service that helps children, adults, elderly, and at risk populations. Founded in 1997, it was officially registered on May 14, 2002 (permit No. 63, amendment No. 7848 on March 28, 2007). IDRAAC’s members have been conducting national, regional and international research since 1982 and have been involved in many national and international studies, targeting different segments of the population and assessing different types of mental health conditions. IDRAAC’s members have been delivering over the past three decades free mental and psycho-social community services, and have been building a variety of awareness programs in mental health.


We need further awareness on mental illness such as depression, addiction to alcohol or drugs, or schizophrenia and offering free mental health care will definitely help a lot of Lebanese overcome these disorders.

I applaud Adam for choosing to run the 42K which is a tough challenge in itself and for running for this righteous cause. You can help him achieve his goal [here].

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