Socking Clumsy: A Lebanese NGO Raising Awareness on Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT Disease)

I'll be honest, I've never heard up until now about the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a rare neuromuscular disease which affects around 3 million people worldwide. There's no treatment yet for the CMT disease and its symptoms range from walking difficulties, weakness in legs and muscles, hammertoes to ankles giving and losing the ability to run. It took 10 years of doctor consultations, CT scans and tests for Charbel Gemayel, the founder of Socking Clumsy, to get…

Tony Maalouf’s Contribution To Pfizer’s World Cancer Awareness Month 2022

As part of Pfizer's #WorldCancerAwarenessMonth2022 campaign, Tony Maalouf produced this powerful animation to illustrate how a supporting network can make all the difference in a cancer patient’s life. This support can be given in the form of medical advice from a doctor, care from a loved one, or understanding from cancer patient associations. I've been meaning to write a blogpost about Tony's work for quite some time, and I'm almost reposting his animation on Instagram.…

30,582 Students & Teachers Got Vaccinated Yesterday

2 years ago
While hundreds were protesting against vaccination yesterday in Beirut, defying social distance guidelines and raising baseless claims, over 30,000 individuals including students, teachers and schools staff opted to get vaccinated and help protect themselves and ...

Only 33% of Lebanese Have Received At Least One Covid-19 Vaccine Dose

2 years ago
The New Lebanese Health Minister Firas Abiad warned today about the fast spread of the Omicron variant and that the authorities might consider a new lockdown if people are not complying by the government’s COVID ...

IMPACT Vaccine Certificate Now Recognized by the EU

2 years ago
IMPACT, the inter-ministerial and municipal platform for assessment, coordination and tracking, announced today that Lebanon’s Health Ministry vaccine certificate is now recognized by the European Union Digital COVID certificate System, which means that the COVID-19 ...

COVID Vaccination Update: ONLY 28.7% of Lebanese are Fully Vaccinated

2 years ago
Lebanon’s vaccination campaign against COVID-19 was launched on January 27 2021, and the former Public Health Minister had promised 80% of the population would be fully vaccinated by the end of the year. Instead, Lebanon ...

Difficulties Deaf People Face Every Day in Lebanon

2 years ago
September 23 is the The International Day of Sign Languages and this year’s theme is “We Sign For Human Rights,” highlighting how each of us – deaf and hearing people around the world – can ...

#TalkingSavesLives: Appreciation Post For “Embrace” & Their Tireless Efforts

2 years ago
No words are enough to describe the passion and dedication behind the “Embrace” team. Despite all the challenges that they’re facing, their young front-liners are bringing a glimpse of hope back to a fallen nation, ...

Good News: COVID-19 Vaccinations Surpass Reported Infections in Lebanon

3 years ago
The number of vaccinated people (first shot) has finally exceeded the number of reported infections in Lebanon as the ministry reported yesterday that 547,596 have received their first vaccine dose while the total number of ...

TAQA’s 180KM Open Water Swim Traverse From Cyprus to Lebanon

3 years ago
TAQA is an ISO-certified Lebanese bakery that produces nutritious and delicious healthy snacks that are wheat-free, corn free, soy free, and GMO-free, palm oil free. TAQA has been growing exponentially since 2016 and can be ...