Ania is a Polish woman who has reportedly vowed to travel to every city across the world in a quest to sleep with 100,000 men. She’s planning to visit every city in Poland before going on a world tour, including a stop in Beirut. In fact and according to Annahar, she got the approval to visit Lebanon and do her thing as long as she doesn’t violate any laws.
Obviously this girl is not thinking clearly, because aside from the fact that wanting to have sex with 100,000 is a disturbing idea, she will need some 20 years non-stop to achieve her goal.
Either way, check out Sallim Allawzi’s funny take on the Lebanese who will agree to have sex with Ania, and Elie Marouni’s epic answer:
Taybé Lool!
Here’s a link to her [website] for those interested.
Update: Ania was denied a VISA to Lebanon by the local authorities.
she got the approval to visit Lebanon and do her thing as long as she doesn’t violate any laws. Dude if they catch us kissing in Lebanon they fuck our lives all over.
That’s not true…We’ve seen Lesbains kissing. Although not in public, but i’ve seen couples kissing in Beirut.
Well do it in front of maghfar 7beich or any other one. lol… It was a metaphore btw… but still lets admit our police (Chourtet L-adeb) is not that open minded and if u get caught you will be then in trouble unless u give them some money to just leave u alone
Ya wolf8888, there’s no such thing in Lebanon. You’re probably thinking Saudi Arabia and their filth ilk.
Have you seen gay men hold hands? What about the whole ‘Satan-worshippers’ fiasco under Elias Murr?
I wonder if she got all her STDs with her.
The W**** is banned to enter lebnan.
I am against banning her to enter lebanon if they allow terrorists and criminals to enter and roam free and thugs to run a government i think a chick looking to get laid should be able to as well at least shes not harming anyone. Still though that whole sex marathon thing is lame and kinda disgusting i mean going around the world sleeping with thousands of strange men its just repulsive.
100%… but she’s sooo fugly… u wana do something that disgusting, at least be super hot to compensate… but looking like that, she just makes me sick…
some immature comments. if it was a guy who is gona be banging.. no std jokes for him? andyea they rather u be a terroririst and have a gun then god for bid show love outloud.