Charbel Khalil managed to upset one more time few Lebanese after one of his actors on the satirical Lebanese show Bassmat Watan took the role of Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. Few Protestors took the streets yesterday night, burned tires and blocked roads in Sin el Fil for some time.
Honestly speaking, I never liked the show and I don’t think it’s funny, but the man should be free to do whatever he wants. If he’s breaking any law, let the concerned parties take it to the courts, not the streets.
Funnily enough, Hassan Nasrallah did “appear” on a previous Basmat Watan episode back in July, along with Patriarch Bechara el Rai and the Mufti and no one protested.
Freedom of speech died a long time ago. How many shows and stations have been shut down because they spoke against some za3eem? Why are there some people who have divine protection against criticism? 3eb.
When ex-Patriarch Sfeir “appeared” some ppl protested and blocked the roads.
Sorry also when he wanted to show Al-Asseer the latter threatened him
Also, when this episode appeared some few ppl also blocked the roads in Tripoli because they did not like the story of Nabi Younan
Your point being?
Gays should protest against all shows in Lebanon then
Ayre b hassan nasrallah b ayre!……