what are its ingredients usually? sejo2, basterma, m2ane2, all confuse me. I don’t get what exactly the ingredients are. Reply
Hmmmm…..Something wrong with you man? How can you hate prosciutto and red wine? I’ll send you some home made stuff. Trust me better than any burger you have ever had!! Reply
Who said I dont like red wine? I don’t like prosciutto .. It’s as simple as that What’s wrong with cheese and wine or steaks and wine? Reply
I dont remember you complaining about basterma when you ate r2a2at jebne ma3a basterma 3and leyla Hate is such a strong word, y cant you say “Im not a fan of basterma” Reply
Chahe, Sar baddak trental. You wanted them ma3 basterma and I specifically told you I dont like them so we ended up ordering the normal ones. Reply
what are its ingredients usually?
sejo2, basterma, m2ane2, all confuse me. I don’t get what exactly the ingredients are.
Dude! Then don’t eat it and don’t talk about it! capische?
Is that Gianni or the “ian” in you that is talking now?
Yanni is talking brother!
Basterma is tasty, especially with eggs. Delicious.
Ever try prosciutto? That’s what basterma is. Just smoked or aged tenderloin.
La7za there. I LOVE BEDO and ALL HIS FOOD !
Okai Najib ?
I hate prosciutto
Tekram 3aynik Sit Rhea, I love Bedo too bass min b3eed
Hmmmm…..Something wrong with you man? How can you hate prosciutto and red wine? I’ll send you some home made stuff. Trust me better than any burger you have ever had!!
Who said I dont like red wine? I don’t like prosciutto .. It’s as simple as that
What’s wrong with cheese and wine or steaks and wine?
Bedo? Ewww
Mano > Bedo
I dont remember you complaining about basterma when you ate r2a2at jebne ma3a basterma 3and leyla
Hate is such a strong word, y cant you say “Im not a fan of basterma”
Agree with Najib
Sar baddak trental.
You wanted them ma3 basterma and I specifically told you I dont like them so we ended up ordering the normal ones.
btw, how’s your diet going?
maybe you should try to cut back on eating