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Oct 27, 2020 03:33
83 days ago, Dima Abdel Samid Kaiss was visiting her father in the hospital when the explosion took place. The hospital was evacuated but Dima could not be found, and a picture of her with a message asking people if they've seen Dima was circulating around. Dima was eventually found and hospitalized. However, she had been in a coma since August 4th and unfortunately passed away this morning. Dima was an IC & AUB Alumnus.…
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Oct 14, 2020 04:11
Just when I thought LibanPost mushroom cloud stamp was a bad idea, I found out yesterday that leading regional streamer Shahid somehow managed to produce a series revolving around the August 4 Beirut Blast. The series is composed of 15 short films that look at the tragic events of August 4 and supposedly narrate the stories of survivors and victims. It hasn't been 3 months since the explosion took place, yet somehow they managed to…
4 years ago
Libanpost issued a stamp featuring a photo of the Beirut Port explosion, calling on Lebanese to buy it to help out the Civil Defense and contribute to the ongoing reconstruction efforts. I don’t know who ...
4 years ago
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation stated today that “it has reached no firm conclusion about what caused the Aug. 4 explosion in the port of Beirut that killed nearly 200 people and caused billions ...
4 years ago
One of the most popular and most controversial sports figures in the biking world Lance Armstrong took part in the “Bike for Beirut” event today along with tens of other cyclists to raise awareness and ...
4 years ago
Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep, often described as the “best actress of her generation”, has donated a generous $25,000 to Kafa’s relief work supporting women who lost their houses, or have been injured/traumatized as a result ...
4 years ago
Beirut governor issued a memo yesterday requesting that all volunteering organizations obtain a permission from the army’s emergency room, and prohibiting those without a permit from entering the affected areas by the blast. At a ...
4 years ago
At least 640 historic buildings, including museums, houses, art galleries and religious site were damaged due to the Beirut Port’s blast, and 60 are at risk of collapse according to UNESCO. The agency is leading ...
4 years ago
The French Navy’s Navy’s helicopter carrier Tonnerre has arrived to Beirut few days ago in order to deliver aid supplies to the Lebanese people. “Tonnere” is an amphibious assault helicopter carrier of the Marine Nationale ...
4 years ago
Yesterday I stumbled upon a New York Times article from 1984 written by Thomas Friedman about “Lebanon’s Haunted Youth” and how harsh life was for those “who have grown up during the last nine years ...