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Mar 12, 2018 12:17
I just noticed on my Careem app that you can now book a motorcycle ride inside Beirut by clicking on the MOTO icon. I had seen an announcement earlier this month but just noticed the icon. It's definitely a time savior if you're driving in peak time but I would never ride a motorcycle in Beirut or anywhere in this country. It's too damn risky with all these crazy drivers around. On another note, can…
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Feb 18, 2018 01:28
Don't you just hate cars who take up two parking spots at the mall? Especially when it's peak time and you've been driving around for half an hour looking for a spot? Of course this applies to any parking lot not just malls, but it's much easier for malls to fine these drivers and I strongly believe they should. A friend of mine sent me a picture showing the small flyer City Mall is placing…
7 years ago
A friend was showing me yesterday an app she uses to figure out who’s blocking her car at the parking lot. It’s called MinMsakar where you simply need to enter the car’s license plate number ...
7 years ago
Improvement works for the Salim Salam tunnel are expected to start on Monday 15th of January and take around two months. According to the ISF, the tunnel, which is one of the most vital links ...
7 years ago
In case you’re considering changing your car plates and don’t know how to go or don’t feel comfortable going to the designated shops, especially after rumors of some owners overcharging customers, I was informed a ...
7 years ago
I was going through funny no parking signs in Lebanon with a friend yesterday night so I thought I compile them all under one post. If I missed some, do share them and I will ...
7 years ago
Jad Comair and Antoine Iskandar are off to a rough start at the 2018 Rally Dakar after their BMW did a barrel roll during Stage 1. I am not sure if Jad & Antoine will ...
7 years ago
Every time the authorities decide to upgrade our passports or IDs or driving licenses or car licenses or whatsoever, we’re not briefed on the deadlines, the procedure to upgrade and the related fees. The biometric ...
7 years ago
For the second year in a row, no casualties were reported on New Year’s Eve thanks to the exceptional measures taken by the Internal Security Forces & Lebanese Army. The ISF reported few minor accidents ...
7 years ago
The Lebanese cabinet has approved a plan to build a highway from Dbayyeh to Okaibeh passing through several villages and towns in Keserwan, mainly Jeita, Antoura, Ain el Rihane, all the way to Adma and ...