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Jan 27, 2017 11:40
Kristian Nairn, known for playing Hodor in the Game of Thrones series, is actually a DJ in real life and he's coming to Uberhaus at the Forum de Beirut as part of his Rave of Thrones 2017 world tour. I thought it was some sort of joke at first but I looked him up and he's been all over the world playing his sets. I listened to some of his sets, they're pretty cool but…
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Jan 04, 2017 09:05
It looks like MTV Lebanon is on a roll these days. A friend of mine sent me a link to an MTV article entitled " فيروز في أغنية جنسيّة والأسوأ في هذه السّطور" where they tell us how Madonna used one of Fairouz's Easter songs in her album Erotica. They are obviously outraged by this "crime", which is a huge insult to Christianity, want Madonna to be held accountable for it and even asked the…
7 years ago
The band is called Iyam El Lira and is formed of young talented Lebanese musicians whose mission is to reach out to new generations and remind them of the good old songs by adding a ...
7 years ago
There are plenty of dancing Santas during the holidays but at least this guy has got some cool moves and not just stupidly waving his hands lol! ...
7 years ago
I have no idea Rima Dib is or what she’s trying to accomplish. Don’t let your children watch this video, they will have nightmares on Christmas eve. ...
8 years ago
This year marks the 9th edition of Beirut Chants, a festival that has become one of the Christmas season’s most anticipated events. Every year during Christmas, concerts are organized in all of Beirut’s historical churches ...
8 years ago
A group of LU students decided to honor their friend who recently died in a car crash so they invited his mom and wanted to play Fairouz songs in the university since he loves Fairouz ...
8 years ago
Video Chico was established as a record store in the 1960s and has long been considered as a Mecca for vinyl collectors in the region. Chico was recently featured in an article on [TheVinylFactory]. Chico ...
8 years ago
I am a Pink Martini fan but this is bad. Mish Zabta lol! Via Mustapha ...
8 years ago
A group of para-gliders got their instruments up in the sky and played the Lebanese National Anthem while flying. Manale Nehme, Valerie Zakka, Nabil Abou Assi and Patrick Mouaness produced this video for Lebanon’s Independence ...