Surviving on $4 a Day

UNDP shared yesterday a powerful poverty stunt where bank cardholders were only able to withdraw $4 or its equivalent LL6000 from ATMs. When the bank's officer showed up to listen to their complaints, he asked them if they needed more than $4 to survive the day, which obviously took the customers by surprise. According to 2018 stats, 30% of the Lebanese population live on less than 4$/day or 120$/month and around 300,000 are considered extremely…

Watch the Gavin Ford Tribute Show

I just finished watching the Gavin Ford Tribute show and it brought back so many memories. It also taught us about Gavin's every day life and how fun he was. All in all, it's a beautifully made tribute and I wish Radio One & our awesome friend Olga the best of luck. Watch it here, R.I.P Gavin:

#AFEMENA: The Difference Between Flirting and Harassment

5 years ago
The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) has launched 16 days of activism against Gender based violence and is sharing very powerful and insightful videos to help people understand the difference between flirt and ...

Stunning 7-Minute Video on Akkar: Lebanon’s Green Treasure

5 years ago
Akkar Trail shared a 7-minute video showcasing Akkar’s green treasure which occupies 20% of Akkar’s total area. The forests in Akkar are among the largest and most bio-diverse in Lebanon and there are several protected ...

A Powerful ICRC Video On Targeting Hospitals in War Zones

6 years ago
ICRC shared few days ago a powerful video aimed at shedding lights on health workers and hospitals being attached in war zones. The video entitled “Why We Can’t Save Her Life” shows a father driving ...

#ForwardWithLebanon: Lebanon and the EU

6 years ago
Since 2011, it feels like most of the work being done by the international community in Lebanon, has been geared towards refugees. While the refugee crisis has required a lot of support from the rest ...

Videos Explaining The 2018 Electoral Law/Voting Process

6 years ago
I stumbled upon few informational videos that will help you understand the new electoral law, the voting process and guide you on how to vote correctly in the upcoming 2018 elections. Some of them even ...

#TrueLoveNeverGoesBlind: A Wonderful Initiative by Alfa This Valentine’s Day

6 years ago
A couple of months back, I was at Alfa’s HQ when they offered three legally blind children the gift of sight and I captured the heart-warming moment they start seeing properly again. It was a ...

Phoenicia Hotel Beautiful Yet Daring Valentine Ad

6 years ago
This is the second brilliant video produced by Phoenicia Hotel in the past six months, first with the beautiful tribute to Beirut and now with this emotional, captivating and daring Valentine ad. It’s a call ...

Is Incineration the Right Solution for Beirut?

6 years ago
How should we handle the ongoing garbage crisis? Should we acquire incinerators? How can we manage such facilities without polluting? What kind of waste should we incinerate? Amid the lack of transparency from the Lebanese ...