If We’re All Paying our Municipalities, Where Does our Money go?

If you want to buy or rent a house, start a business, use your mobile phone or landline, consume electricity or water, you are paying municipalities. Municipalities benefit from almost every service out there in a way or another yet we rarely know how this money is spent, even though it's our right to do so as per Article 45 of the Municipal Act. I recommend you check out the below campaign by NAHNOO NGO…

Tripoli Summed up in this 2-Minute Video

Check out this beautiful video on Tripoli by Hadi Hajar. A 2 minute and 24 seconds video that perfectly sums up Lebanon’s second-largest city. The Citadel, The Rashid Karameh International Exhibition Center, The souks, the Mina, el Tall, The mosques and churches, the coffee shops, the sweets, the hammams and more.
Old Lebanon

Old 1957 Footage of Lebanon

6 years ago
The Lebanese Heritage FB page shared a short video of a 1957 journey by German journalists to Beirut, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Iraq. The video shows parts of Beirut, the Cedars, Baalbeck and aerial views ...

#SorryIDrowned: A 6-minute Poignant Film by Médecins Sans Frontières

7 years ago
The estimated death toll among migrants in the Mediterranean reached at least 5,000 last year, a new high according to UN agencies. Unfortunately, this is not stopping hundreds of thousands of people, including many from ...

Karl Sharro’s Guide to the Middle East Conflict

7 years ago
CNN interviewed Lebanese Cartoonist and satirist Karl Sharro (KarlRemarks) and asked him about his confused person’s guide to the Middle East. The “simple” diagram which Karl drew in 2015 illustrates the region’s alliances and hatreds. ...

Beware of Sextortion

7 years ago
I’m glad Gino brought this issue up and shared SMEX Beirut’s very useful video on this matter. For those who are not familiar with this term, Sextortion is “a serious crime that occurs when someone ...

Ammo Elias

7 years ago
Kettaneh Group shared a short video honoring one of their employees “Ammo Elias”, who has been working with the group since 1957. He spent his whole life at the company, would sleep there during the ...

A Long Weekend in #Lebanon – By Mounia Akl

7 years ago
Travel magazine Condé Nast Traveler shared recently a video by filmmaker Mounia Akl who took them on a tour around Lebanon. The tour was one long weekend where they partied in Beirut, drove to the ...

Picon Celebrating 50 Years with Heartwarming Videos

7 years ago
I gladly took part in Picon’s 50 years campaign that celebrated motherhood in all its forms from the beginning of the journey till the end of it. Picon’s homage to the Lebanese mother was reflected ...

My Five Favorite “El 3ama” Commentaries

7 years ago
El 3ama is an entertainement page that was kicked off less than a year ago and has produced over 50 hilarious commentaries on video clips, interviews and funny incidents. This guy has got some serious ...